Site Supervisor Resources
Kinesiology Experiential Learning Program
Welcome, site supervisors!
Site supervisors are a vital part of the educational experience for kinesiology students at Oregon State University.
We welcome your feedback to help create places where everyone can feel comfortable and included.
Thank you for your time, energy, and service as you change the lives of these students, and the individuals they will serve in years to come.
What is experiential learning?
Experiential learning is the backbone to transfer skills from the classroom to the workplace. Giving students observation and hands on experiences allows them to learn more about their field of study.
A practicum (KIN 409) involves more observation and is 1-5 credits.
An internship (KIN 410) is a larger, hands-on experience and can be 1-15 credits.
It is an agreement between the site supervisor, student and kinesiology experiential learning coordinator on which experience matches the hours planned.
10 steps to hosting a kinesiology experiential learning student
1. Hosting a student
Site initiated
Develop a position description. Here is a template (docx) that can be used as a guide.
Send the position description to Dee Gillen, the undergraduate kinesiology experiential learning coordinator for general kinesiology students, She will share it as an option for students. From there, work through the steps below.
Pre-Therapy Allied Health
If you have a student working with the PTAH (Pre-Therapy Allied Health) option, please work with their coordinator Emily Norcross.
Student initiated
If a student contacts an organization about experiential learning, follow the steps below.
2. Double check your organization's requirements
Before offering experiential learning to a student, please double check the organization's requirements (affiliation agreement, background check, drug testing, format, etc.). Make sure to communicate this to the student and let them know if they are responsible for the cost and the expected timeline.
New affiliation agreements
We highly recommend an affiliation agreement for Kinesiology undergraduate experiential learning.
Creating a new affiliation agreement requires collaborating with the Procurement and Contract Services Office on campus.
Due to the volume of affiliation agreements that this office is responsible for, please allow several weeks to months, depending on complexity.
The affiliation agreement lasts 3 years and allows professional liability coverage to follow the student to the site.
Background checks
It is not OSU policy to perform background checks or hold medical records for vaccines for OSU students. OSU does not certify or vouch for the background of the students who participate in this experiential learning.
You must conduct your own background check and obtain other information from the student if it is a site requirement.
3. Identify an experiential learning preceptor
The site should have designated at least one preceptor to the student during the entire experiential learning process that is available to sign paperwork, meet with the student and provide mentorship and feedback on work projects, orientations, and onboarding procedures.
4. Provide relevant projects
Make sure the activities fit with the areas of kinesiology and the student’s area of interest.
5. Provide workspace (if on site)
It is the responsibility of the site to provide the student with workspace, expectations of work schedule, and office policies of the site.
6. Provide 30-90 hours within a ten week academic term
Experiential Learning can be 30-90 hours for one ten week term or split between two terms.
Kinesiology students are required 3 credits at 30 hours per credit but may arrange with you more or less time depending on credit load.
These hours can include the student attending staff meetings, engaging in professional development opportunities, attending relevant committee meetings, conferences, workshops, etc.
7. Meet regularly with the student
The preceptor can meet regularly with the student through email, phone, and in person.
The preceptor and student can discuss regular meeting times to receive input and discuss activities.
8. Provide feedback to the student
Most students will be seeking employment after their experiential learning and it is vital that they receive ongoing feedback regarding their performance, skills, and projects.
It is the expectation that students come ready to learn, be flexible, honest, and show integrity.
It is important to show the student what it is like in the day of the job with appropriate supervision (do not leave student alone with patients).
9. Complete paperwork by the deadlines
Complete the paperwork before and throughout the term with the student by the designated deadlines in the student’s course Canvas portal.
The paperwork to be completed includes:
Learning Agreement
Completed by Week 8 the term before the experiential learning, agreement between organization, student, and Kinesiology Experiential Learning Coordinator.
Affiliation Agreement (good for 3 years)
Completed by Week 8 the term before the experiential learning if not on file, agreement between organization and OSU.
Three (3) to Four (4) measurable goals
Completed by week 2 of the experiential learning term, should be outcome and process based and shaping the experience the student will have over the term, this takes about 20-30 minutes if the student is organized.
Weekly check ins
The student should review and have preceptor sign off on tasks achieved and hours completed for the PRIOR week. For example, week 2 is submitted week 3.
This meeting should take about 15 minutes if the student is organized.
A shared Google Doc with hours and tasks helps keep this organized.
Midterm Progress Report
Completed by Week 6 of the experiential learning term, takes about 30 minutes.
Final Evaluation
Completed by Tuesday of Week 11 of the experiential learning term, takes about 30 minutes.
10. Contact us
Contact the kinesiology general undergraduate experiential learning coordinator with any questions!
Dee Gillen is available throughout the process to meet, answer questions, and do virtual or in-person site visits (depending on geographic location).
Our students are expected to hold a high level of accountability and if they fall short, the coordinator is here to help put things on track.
Site supervisor handbook
The Kinesiology Experiential Learning Site Supervisor Handbook (pdf) highlights important information about kinesiology experiential learning, including key roles and responsibilities, kinesiology internship criteria, University policies, and tips for success.
Pre-Therapy Allied Health
If you have a student working with the PTAH (Pre-Therapy Allied Health) option, please work with their coordinator Emily Norcross.
Want to host a student?
Please contact Dee Gillen, kinesiology experiential learning coordinator.