KIN 343 Pre-Therapy and Allied Health Seminar
Experiential Learning in Kinesiology
Learning, discussion opportunities and knowledge in professional school preparation
The KIN 343 Pre-Therapy / Allied Health Seminar will provide you with learning, discussion opportunities and knowledge in professional school preparation and current issues related to the allied health professions.
Topic areas include managed care, medical documentation, values and behaviors, ethics, cultural competence as related to health care, personal statement preparation, application preparation and interview preparation.
The Pre-Therapy/Allied Health Seminar is a 1 credit course.
note KIN 343 does not count toward the experiential learning requirement in KIN Beyond the Core.
Student must apply for KIN 343 (& 344) no later than the end of week 5 of the preceding term.
To apply
- Satisfy all prerequisites
- KIN 132 (With "C" or better)
- BI 231, BI 232, BI 233, BI 241, BI 242 and BI 243 (or equivalent, all with a “C” or better)
- GPA of 2.70 composite GPA for anatomy/physiology coursework
- Overall GPA (transfer and OSU) of 3.0
- KIN 343 Application and GPA Calculation Worksheet (pdf)
- Copies of unofficial academic transcripts
- Academic Advisor signature required
- Students who have between a 3.0 -3.2 overall GPA MUST meet with their advisor prior to submitting application for their signature.
- ALL parts of application must be included (including KIN 344 application if applying).
- The Office of Student Success/Academic Advisors requires a MINIMUM 24-hr turn around for signatures; therefore, applications must be submitted to them PRIOR to 4:00 pm the day before they are due. Late applications will not be signed.
- Complete all aspects of the application for consideration.
- Submit completed application materials to the course instructor. Applications should be turned in to Langton 221 (PTAH mailbox).
Once the application is received, it will be reviewed for prerequisites including coursework and GPA. If applicants meet the prerequisites and there is space available, the applicant will be notified by the program office that they are cleared to register.
If there is not space for the term the student is applying, students will be notified they are being deferred to the following term. Assuming all requirements are still being met (e.g., GPA hasn’t dropped), students will not have to reapply.
Application deadlines
For winter term 2025
App. Due
November 3, 2024
5 p.m.
For spring term 2025
App. Due
February 7, 2025
5 p.m.
For fall term 2025
App. Due
May 2, 2025
5 p.m.