Faculty research expertise
College of Health's Office of Research
Use the drop-down to select one of the college's Signature Areas of Research to see faculty primarily associated in that area.
Because we cultivate interdisciplinary collaborations, many faculty could belong to multiple signature areas of research, but we have limited everyone to their primary area.
- Adolescent development
- Youth programs
- Program evaluation
- Genetic association study
- Big data analysis
- Analysis of correlated data
- Survey data
- Health economics
- Health policy
- Health politics
- Epidemiology
- Health impact of climate change
- Disaster preparedness
- Infectious diseases
- Epidemiology
- Maternity care
- Midwifery
- Physical activity during pregnancy / postpartum
- Doulas / traditional health workers
- environmental exposures
- air pollution
- health outcomes
- cardiometabolic risk factors and diseases
- Bayesian statistics
- Diagnostic tests
- Epidemiology
- Nutrition and diet
- Antioxidants and gene expressions
- Diabetes
- Food insecurity
- Poverty
- Health disparities
- Well-being of immigrants
- Sport and exercise psychology
- Sociology of sport
- Kinesiology
- Physical activity education
- Work-family interactions
- Working parents
- Family processes
- Family policies
- Family well-being
- Health system finance
- International development
- Universal health care
- Governance of health systems
- Equity in health care
- Biomechanics
- Sports Injury
- Balance and gait analysis
- Chronic and overuse Injury
- Ankle instability
- Milk
- Peptide
- Protein
- Bioactive
- Mass spectrometry
- Implementation science
- Health disparities
- Youth
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Evidence-based interventions
- Global health disparities
- HIV prevention
- HCV treatment access
- Social isolation
- Qualitative research
- Positive youth development
- Self-regulation
- International research
- Measurement
- Quantitative methods
- Mixed methods
- Reproductive health
- Cancer survivorship
- Health communication
- Community-engaged research
- Promotion of physical activity
- Obesity prevention
- Skeletal health
- Community-based research
- Sexual and reproductive health
- Young adults
- Health policy and reform
- Mixed methods
- Early childhood education
- Teacher-child relationships
- Research to practice / policy
- Child stress and behavior
- Professional development for teachers
- Nutrition and cancer
- Nutrient-gene interactions
- Phytochemicals
- Zinc
- Inflammation
- Sport injury prevention
- Human sensory and motor systems
- Neuroscience
- Quality, access, and cost of healthcare
- Care coordination
- Veterans health
- Health data science
- Implementation science
- Environmental epidemiology
- Spatial health
- Air pollution
- Built environment
- Climate change
- Behavior change strategies
- Program implementation and evaluation
- Transparency in science and medical reporting
- Health literacy and patient navigation
- Risk perception and cancer
- Bone health
- Energy metabolism
- Alcohol
- Spaceflight
- Osteommunology
- Social emotional wellbeing
- Rural populations and places
- Participatory research
- Community mapping
- Mixed methods
- Injury prevention
- Rehabilitation of athletic injuries
- Nervous system and movement
- Molecular and biochemical nutrition
- Dietary fat
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids
- Diabetes & obesity
- Fatty liver disease
- Global health
- Community-based participatory research methods
- Sexual and reproductive health in youth
- South Asia and Botswana
- Environmental epidemiology
- Chemical exposures
- Risk assessment
- Community-based research
- Children
- Health care delivery systems
- Aging
- End-of-life care
- Serious illness care
- Racial disparities in healthcare
- Occupational safety
- Ergonomics
- Physical agents
- Injury prevention
- Child Welfare and Child Well-Being Systems and Policies
- Mental and Behavioral Health of Youth
- Youth’s Relationships with Caring and Caregiving Adults
- Innovative tech to study environment's health impact
- Methods to assess environmental exposure for health
- Interface design affects on risk perception and communication
- Cost-effectiveness analysis
- Patient-centered care
- Innovative health care delivery and financing
- Health insurance and health outcomes
- Young children and families
- Program evaluation
- Early learning
- Resilience
- Young children
- Disability
- Mobility
- Assistive technology
- Play and social behaviors
- Health policy and reform
- Health care delivery systems
- Policy analysis
- Quality of care
- Adapted Physical Activity
- Children with disabilities
- Early childhood
- Rural families
- Community effects
- Poverty
- Youth development
- Housing
- School recess
- Sport-based youth development
- Social and emotional health
- Child development
- Self-regulation
- School readiness
- Executive function
- Translation and dissemination
- Cancer health disparities
- Latino health
- Cancer screening
- Intervention development
- Environmental health modeling
- Bayesian methods
- Data science
- Multi-level modeling
- Place-based health promotion
- Tobacco prevention
- Healthy eating
- Dissemination and implementation
- Health policy
- Skeletal muscle metabolism
- Obesity and type 2 diabetes
- Physical activity and exercise
- Insulin sensitivity
- ACL injury
- Sports injury prevention
- Biomechanics
- Sports medicine
- Biomechanics
- Fall prevention
- Exercise and osteoporosis
- Older adults
- People with disabilities
- Human performance
- Exercise physiology
- Exercise testing
- Neuromuscular coordination patterns
- Proprioception and virtual reality applications to human performance
- Successful aging and injury prevention
- Adapted Physical Activity
- Intellectual Disabilities
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Motor Development
- Obesity
- Injury prevention
- Lower extremity injuries
- Rehabilitation programs
- Child care policy
- Early learning
- Health
- Education
- Technology
- Media
- Access to care
- Vulnerable populations
- Health insurance
- Health policy
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Aging
- Muscle
- Exercise
- Research translation
- Indigenous health
- Disaster research
- Environmental health literacy
- Methylmercury
- Metals
- Maternal-child health
- Environmental exposure
- Microbiome
- Poverty
- Families
- Family policy
- Rural
- Inequality
- Tobacco
- E-cigarettes / Vapes
- Health disparities
- Mixed methods
- Youth and young adults
- Measurement of physical activity
- Sedentary behavior
- Automated technology
- Behavior epidemiology
- Personality
- Self-regulation
- Health
- Life course and aging
- Life transitions
- Generations
- Young adults
- Family / social policy
- Nutritional epidemiology
- Chronic disease and HIV infection
- Health disparities
- Public health surveillance methods
- Cancer epidemiology
- Nutrition
- Molecular epidemiology
- Middle-aged and older adults
- Systematic review and meta-analysis
- Parenting
- Early childhood
- Mental health
- Self-regulation
- Professional development
- Antioxidants
- Lipoprotein metabolism
- Metabolic syndrome
- Vitamin E deficiency
- Vaping
- Life-long skeletal health
- Exercise and nutrition
- Prevention
- Gravitational physiology
- Etiology
- Occupational safety
- Safety business case
- Safety strategy
- Safety management
- Assessment in physical education
- Physical activity and learning
- Inclusive physical education
- Health promotion
- Exercise psychology
- Physical activity for postpartum women
- Nutrition education
- Childhood obesity prevention
- Dietary assessment methods
- Learning games
- Innovation skill building