Graduate Student Research
College of Health's Office of Research
The College of Health provides diverse opportunities for graduate students to engage in research.
Research opportunities include receiving research credits by working directly with faculty, volunteering on a project, serving as a graduate research assistant, and completing a thesis or dissertation.
Travel awards for doctoral students
It is critical for doctoral students to participate in and present their research at professional meetings. The college will provide a one-time award for travel and registration to one conference.
Doctoral Student Travel Support
Aging Travel Award
Thanks to a generous donor, PhD students whose scholarly work is related to aging are eligible to apply for the Aging Travel Award
The Graduate Research Symposiums are held in the spring term of each academic year. This symposium recognizes and celebrates graduate students’ research and scientific discoveries being conducted in the College of Health.
- 2022 Graduate Research Symposium slides (pdf) (Link to the PowerPoint presentation)
- 2021 Graduate Research Symposium video
Research seminars and workshops
Weekly research seminars
The College of Health seminar series provides a forum for faculty in the college and other researchers (national and international) to present and discuss current research topics in an environment conducive to stimulating research collaboration and fostering student learning.
These seminars are currently held in a hybrid format - both in person and via Zoom on Friday afternoons at 1 p.m.
Faculty panel
Graduate Student Manuscript Preparation and Publication
On October 23, 2019, five College of Health faculty -- John Geldhof, Molly Kile, Sunil Khanna, Megan MacDonald, and Jangho Yoon – presented information on why it is important to publish your research findings and tips on how to do so successfully.
Listen to the presentation.
Or download.
Research resources
Research Projects, Programs and Laboratories
Learn more about faculty expertise and the diverse research programs in our college. This comprehensive list is sorted by our five signature research areas.
Research Centers
Learn more about our college’s four distinctive research centers.
The OSU library
The OSU library hosts many workshops, including how to manage your research data, tips on publishing and showcasing your research, and trainings on software like SPSS and Zotero. Most workshops are currently being offered via Canvas or Zoom. Some are now offered in person.
Human Research Protection Program and IRB
Students can obtain assistance with determining if a project requires IRB approval and preparation of an initial submission by going to Human Research Protection Program.
The HRPP also offers remote advising appointments via Zoom for OSU students with questions or concerns about the IRB process.
Support and Services for Sponsored Research and Projects
Resources are available for graduate students to support research and fellowships.