Schedule academic advising appointment

Schedule academic advising appointment

College of Health


In-Person and Zoom Appointments Available

Advising office hours:

Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Beaver Hub

All current College of Health students use Beaver Hub to schedule with advisors.

Beaver Hub

Watch  Schedule an Appointment with an Advisor to see how.

Drop-in advising

Drop-in advising takes place during weeks 2-10 during Fall, Winter and Spring terms.

In person

In person only drop-in advising is available Monday-Thursday 2-4 p.m.

Ecampus only

Ecampus students can request a Zoom link via the Peers.

You can reach out to your advisor directly for questions or contact the peer ambassadors at 541-737-8900 or [email protected].

  • Drop-in advising hours are for current OSU students experiencing registration issues or have questions that can be answered in 10 minutes or less.
  • Students coming to drop-in hours will meet with the advisor that is currently available.

Registration PINs

You are welcome to meet as often as you would like, but we require you to come in for advising to get a registration PIN.

Incoming first-year students

Incoming first-year students will receive a new PIN every term.

Everyone else

Everyone else will receive a new PIN for Fall registration - and reuse that same PIN for Winter and Spring terms.

Need help finding your assigned advisor?

Check your MyDegrees student degree checklist in the Assigned Advisor block, or call the Office of Student Success at 541-737-8900.

Not currently a College of Health student?

Visit non-College of Health students to see what types of appointments we have for you and how to book them.

Appointment types

Type of appointment Length Example topics
General advising 25min Planning for next term’s or year’s classes, internships/work experience, add or change option, add a COH minor, academic support
Change of Major 55min

Current students changing to a different COH major, use Beaver Hub.

Students in other majors, please book with any of our advisors.
START/Orientation Advising 55min New Ecampus students going through orientation
Petitions/Forms 25min Forms you need to review and have your advisor sign. More involved forms like creating 4 year plans, please use “Other” appointment type.
Academic Standing (AW/PR) Varies Students who require or would like in depth discussions about their academic warning or probation status
Prospective Students Varies Please see below.
Transition to Ecampus info Varies If you are a Corvallis or Cascades campus student and are interested in transitioning to Ecampus, please review Transitioning to Ecampus
Other 55min Long-term planning, longer discussions, getting re-admitted to OSU, academic support

Schedule an appointment

peer ambassadors october 2024

Peer Ambassadors


If you have any questions regarding classes, student clubs or campus, peer ambassadors are here to help.

Ask a peer

Alyssa Dart

Alyssa Dart, Ed.M.

Academic Advisor

Samhita Dixit

Samhita Dixit, MBA

Academic Advisor

Andrew Mobbs

Andrew A. Mobbs, MA, MFA

Academic Advisor

Susan Peterson

Susan Peterson, MPH

Academic Advisor

Maria José Solis

Maria José Solis

Academic Advisor

David Trinidad

David Trinidad, MEd

Academic Advisor

Gregory Vaughn

Greg Vaughn, MA

Academic Advisor

non-College of Health students

If you don’t have an advisor and want to ...

Add a minor

You do not need to see an advisor to declare a minor, but are certainly welcome to.

Visit declare an undergrad minor or certificate, or schedule an appointment above.

Change major

To change your major to one offered in the College of Health, schedule an appointment with a College of Health advisor. Spaces are limited.

Become a College of Health student

Prospective students interested in the College of Health, please email the College of Health Recruitment Team.

If you have have curriculum specific questions, email the Peer Ambassadors to schedule an appointment with an Advisor.

Drop-in advising

Drop-in advising takes place during weeks 2-10 during Fall, Winter and Spring terms.

In person

In person only drop-in advising is available Monday-Thursday 2-4 p.m.

Ecampus only

Ecampus students can request a Zoom link via the Peers.

You can reach out to your advisor directly for questions, email the Peer Ambassadors or call 541-737-8900.

  • Drop-in advising hours are for current OSU students experiencing registration issues or have questions that can be answered in 10 minutes or less.
  • Students coming to drop-in hours will meet with the advisor that is currently available.