Faculty Staff Fitness

Faculty Staff Fitness

Sound minds. Sound bodies.

We provide a year-round opportunity to focus on fitness, embrace wellness, make connections, enjoy easy accessibility and earn the long-term rewards of leading an active lifestyle.

Hello and thank you to all who supported Faculty Staff Fitness! We are proud to have continually served your health and well-being since 1984.

Juggling a job and family can sometimes make activities like working out seem like a chore. But Oregon State University’s one-of-a-kind Faculty Staff Fitness program makes working out fun – and convenient – for everyone.

Housed in the College of Health, the Faculty Staff Fitness program is designed to accommodate everyone — from beginners to the highly trained. It provides a year-round opportunity to focus on fitness, embrace wellness, make connections, enjoy easy accessibility and earn the long-term rewards of leading an active lifestyle.

To find out more about the Faculty Staff Fitness program read Get fit at work through Faculty Staff Fitness.


Who is eligible to participate in FSF programming

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • GTAs/GRAs
  • Spouse/Partners of faculty/staff
  • Retired OSU staff/faculty
  • Affiliates of the university


Are you currently involved in FSF but retiring soon? Congratulations! Make sure to send us an e-mail at FSF before your last day so we can update your account to your personal e-mail before you lose access to your @oregonstate.edu e-mail address.

Office Hours

123 Langton Hall

Please contact us via email at [email protected] or by voice message at 541-737-3222. Thank you.

Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs

8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Have a great weekend!


Annual Registration

All registrations will be term-by-term and not on an annual basis.


Policy Updates

Policy updates effective 9/1/2017 can be found on our policy page.

Faculty Staff Fitness fund

The Faculty Staff Fitness Fund

We depend on the generous support of people like you to continue our vision of supporting health and active lifestyles for Oregon State Universities faculty, staff, graduate students and their families.

Support FSF