Faculty Staff Fitness
Faculty, Staff, GTA/GRA, Spouse/Partner & Retirees of the University are all eligible to take classes.
FSF Online Registration is in Ideal-Logic. Click the "Register" button above. Registration Instructions can be found here.
The Faculty Staff Fitness Program is offered through the College of Health at Oregon State University.
About registration
For in-office registration, please make payment in form of exact cash or check paid to Faculty Staff Fitness (FSF).
We also accept Credit and Debit, in our office.
If registering by mail, send form and check to 123 Langton. Mailed registrations will be processed on the first day of in-person registration.
Registration is open until classes are filled.
General class pricing
We have NEW pricing (Fall 2024)
Faculty Staff Fitness is funded entirely by fees. Due to rising costs across the board we need to increase our rates beginning fall term 2023. This allows us to continue to provide you with the outstanding instruction you love and appreciate about FSF.
We’re still the best value in town for fitness instruction – not to mention convenient, personalized and fun!
Land classes (all classes not in the pools):
- 1 day/week = $60 per term
- 2 days/week = $96 per term (20% discount)
- 3 days/week = $125 per term (additional 20% discount)
Aquatics classes
- 1 day/week = $65 per term
- 2 days/week = $104 per term (20% discount)
- 3 days/week = $135 per term (additional 20% discount)
Remote options
- Online FSF = $45 per term