Professional Certifications

Professional Certifications

Office of Physical Activity and Health Programs

American red cross

American Red Cross CPR/AED & First Aid Certification

American Red Cross CPR/AED First Aid Certification classes are offered to OSU students for University Credit or Non-Credit and OSU Employees and Affiliates.

If you are inquiring about certification sessions for your department, please email [email protected] for scheduling.


Red Cross Adult & Pediatric CPR, AED, and First Aid Certification

In person session with online learning modules.

Thursday, January 9
4 p.m. – approximately 6:30 p.m.
Langton Hall 127
Instructor: Tyler Bushnell

(option available for departmental pay)
Open to All OSU.

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University Academic Term Course Schedule for students seeking For-Credit or Non-Credit courses

PADI scuba logo

PADI SCUBA Certifications

PADI SCUBA Certification classes are offered through the PAC Recreational SCUBA Program and open to OSU students for University Credit or Non-Credit and FSF P articipants through PAC-through-FSF.

University Academic Term Course Schedule


Wilderness First Aid, Rescue and Professional Outdoor Recreation Certifications

SOLO, PCIA, ACA and LNT certifications are offered by our partner the Adventure Leadership Institute

University Academic Term PAC & ALI For-Credit Schedule and Non-Credit

ALI Certification Class Schedule and Registration

yoga alliance

Yoga Alliance Yoga Studies and Yoga Teaching Certificates

Yoga Studies Certificates and YTT Certificates are offered through the PAC Yoga Studies and Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Program , and open to OSU students for For-Credit or Non-Credit and FSF Participants through PAC-through-FSF.

University Academic Term Course Schedule

American red cross

American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification

American Red Cross Lifeguard certification classes are offered to OSU students for University Credit or Non-credit and the OSU and Corvallis community.

For questions about certification sessions, please email [email protected].

Red Cross Lifeguard R. 24 Re-Certification

Blended Learning (online) pre-course available at time of registration
Instructor Nate Hill

In person session: Monday, September, 23
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Location: Dixon Rec Upper Classroom

  • Student cost: $90 (no increase of price since last year)
  • OSU community cost: $150
  • General Public: $170

Sign up

University Academic Term Course Schedule for students seeking For-Credit or Non-Credit courses