New and Emerging Tobacco Research Study (NETS)

New and Emerging Tobacco Research Study (NETS)

New And Emerging Tobacco Research Study

Principal Investigator: Dr. Kari-Lyn Sakuma

The purpose of this research study is to understand what young African American youth and young adults think and feel about new and emerging tobacco products (like certain brands of cigarillos, little cigars, e-cigs or vapes, etc.) and how they may have first learned about them.


Current Study Recruitment is CLOSED. Check back for future opportunities to participate.

Study results

Community Report

Use and perceptions of new and emerging tobacco products among black youth and young adults.

Download the report (pdf)


NETS community report

Peer Reviewed Articles

Coming soon...

Contact information

Contact Dr. Sakuma directly at:

This research was supported by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) under Award Number R03CA180935 (PI: Sakuma). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH or the FDA.
