Curricula and Fidelity

Parenting Education Curricula

Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative
Hallie E. Ford Center

OPEC supports the creation and implementation of parenting education curricula that are evidence-based and culturally responsive.

Parenting Education Curricula

There are many parenting education programs and curricula available for educators and organizations to adopt. OPEC Grantee organizations are required to use evidence-based curricula series and implement them with fidelity. Additionally, OPEC Grantees implement additional evaluation practices; learn more about evaluation here.

Some examples of parenting education curricula are:

For OPEC Grantees, see the full list of approved parenting education curricula here

Program Fidelity Tools

Implementation fidelity refers to the “extent to which delivery of an intervention adheres to the protocols and program model originally developed” (Mowbrey et al., 2003). Maintaining fidelity and being responsive to the communities parent educators work with is a careful balance. To help with this aim, OPEC has developed a suite of resources that will help you make informed decisions.