Hallie E. Ford Center

Hallie E. Ford Center
for Healthy Children and Families

To thrive, families need a strong foundation. We're Building it.

The Hallie E. Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families promotes the development and well-being of children, youth and families by generating, translating and sharing research-based knowledge. The center advocates a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to research, training and outreach that has far-reaching consequences for Oregon and beyond.

Impact Report

View the 2024 report

“Our work begins with passion and leads to life-changing results. The center generates, translates and shares research-based knowledge to improve the health and well-being of children and families.”

Director Megan McClelland.

From the very first moments of life, the interactions a child has with the adults that care for it have profound and long-lasting effects.

Learn how we're helping to foster these relationships in meaningful ways through the distribution of free Bunny to Bunny books of rhymes and poems.


Event and Training Calendar

Take a look at all the upcoming events and trainings in the Hallie E. Ford Center.

   HFC Calendar


With your help, we can generate, translate and share research-based knowledge that improves the health and well-being of children and families.

Impact and Future

Impact and Future

We know that success in life starts early. You could even say it starts HERE. Learn more about the Hallie Ford Center’s impact – and its compelling future.


HFC Brochure 2018 thumbnail

HFC Brochure

It’s more than science. Our work changes lives. See how.
