February 2020 Whole Child Training Institute

February 2020

Whole Child Training Institute

Hallie E. Ford Center

“It was fantastic!”

“Offer these more often! It was great!”

"I appreciated the binder of resources- I plan to incorporate multiple strategies immediately…thank you for the thoughtfulness and modeling of inclusive practices”

Trainings offered at February 2020 institute

BEPA 2.0

1. BE Physically Active 2Day (BEPA 2.0)

BEPA 2.0 is a classroom-based physical activity program aligned to K-6 state and national health and physical education standards. BEPA 2.0 can be used in and outside of the classroom and before, during or after school to increase children’s physical activity time at school.

You will

  • Learn how to use the BEPA 2.0 program, resources and versatile toolkit to increase physical activity levels of students in your classroom.
  • Reinforce physical and health education state standards in 5-minute activities.
  • Meet requirements associated with Oregon’s revised physical education statutes (under ORS 329).

CKC: HSN | TSPC: Learning Designs



2. Creating Quality Recess for All Children

This training will provide evidence-based strategies to improve the quality of recess at your school. Participants will learn how recess can contribute to physical, social-emotional, and behavior health at school, how to assess recess quality, and practical strategies to promote inclusion and reduce behavioral problems during recess.

You will

  • Examine how recess can contribute to physical, social-emotional, and behavior health at school.
  • Learn how to assess recess quality using the Great Recess Framework Observational Tool
  • Apply practical strategies to promote inclusion and reduce problem behavior during play.

CKC: HSN | TSPC: Learning Designs



3. Inclusive Practices for Physical Education

This training will explore inclusive practices for Physical Education Specialists and classroom teachers who are looking for methods to engage ALL students in classroom based physical activity. Activities will address opportunities and challenges that educators may experience when implementing classroom-based physical activities.

You will

  • Gain an understanding on inclusion practices for students with disabilities in physical activity and why it is important.
  • Explore methods that address differentiated learning within classroom-based physical activities.
  • Add to their repertoire of fun and engaging classroom-based physical activities for ALL students.

CKC: HSN | TSPC: Learning Designs


For more information regarding these trainings, please email [email protected]

  View trainings offered at June 2019 institute.