Physical Education Toolkit
Hallie E. Ford Center
Healthy Eating and Active Living Research Core
Online PE Guidance and Resources for Remote Teaching and Learning
Browse through physical education programs, grants, and supporting organizations that can help you meet Oregon physical education requirements.
Typical PE Delivery Scenarios: Elementary
Scenario 1
PE Specialist Serves All Students for 150 min/week
Look at supplemental materials that can add to your existing PE curriculum.
Scenario 2
PE Specialist + Classroom Teachers/Contractors Combine for 150min/week
Look at all available materials to see how each educator can contribute to providing PE minutes.
Scenario 3
Classroom Teachers/Contractors Serve All Students for 150min/week
Look at state-adopted standard-aligned materials to ensure your students meet PE outcomes.
State-adopted Comprehensive Materials
These programs have been adopted by the ODE as comprehensive K-12 instructional physical education materials.
Instructional materials on this list are reviewed using specific criteria and formally adopted by the State Board of Education. See the Health and Physical Education section to learn more.
SPARK is a comprehensive, standard-aligned physical education program that includes PE curriculum, professional development, teacher trainings, and equipment packages.
SPARK offers 7 different curriculums: Grades K-2, Grades 3-6, Middle School, High School, Early Childhood, Classroom Activities, and Afterschool Programs.
State and National Standard-aligned Materials
These materials are aligned to Oregon and National Physical Education Standards and can be used to help reach the required amount of physical education minutes.
BE Physically Active 2Day (BEPA 2.0) is a classroom-based physical activity program aligned to state and national Health and Physical Education standards. BEPA 2.0 has over 50 activities designed for grades K-2, 3-5, and K-5. These activities can be used to obtain up to 45 minutes of PE time in schools with a PE Specialist, and can be more broadly implemented in schools that lack a PE Specialist.
A Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) is a health-promotion organization focused on preventing childhood obesity through various programs. CATCH has physical activity curriculum and equipment for grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and afterschool programs. CATCH also offers nutrition curriculum for grades K-8.
Supplemental Materials
These materials can be used to complement standard-aligned PE curriculum and programs.
BSD Brainboost consists of different physical activity resources for teachers to use in their classrooms, including activities, dances, and other videos led by BSD staff and students. Activities meet Standards 4 and 5, and are thus a great supplement to physical education programs.
Go Noodle is a physical activity resource that offers a variety of different physical activity videos for students to follow along with in the classroom. Following along with the videos meets Standards 4 and 5, and can supplement physical education programs.
Fit Kids Fit Future is a physical education curriculum developed by teachers that is aligned to national Physical Education standards.
The curriculum is designed for Grades 7-8, emphasizing functional fitness and lifelong health.
FLAG is a free physical education curriculum revolving around football. FLAG has curriculum for Grades 3-5, 6-8, and High School. It is aligned to national PE standards, and developed in partnership with SHAPE America, the NFL, and USA Football.
Fun at Bat is a free Physical Education curriculum designed around baseball. It is aligned to national PE standards and developed in partnership by SHAPE America and USA Baseball for Grades K-2 and 3-5. Franklin Sports provides equipment to program users.
Move to Learn (M2L) consists of free classroom videos designed to help teachers raise student fitness levels and in turn, raise student achievement. M2L has videos designed for Pre-K, Grades K-3, 4-6, and 7-12. M2L videos correlate to different subject areas, allowing teachers to implement physical activity into any topic.
The Online Physical Education Network (OPEN) provides downloadable outcomes-based curriculum tools for grades K-12. Tools include games, sports, instant activities, and lessons that connect physical activity to other subjects. OPEN also offers professional development for teachers.
Funding Opportunities
Find physical education grants and scholarships that can help your school gain funding to invest in PE teachers, programs, equipment, and more.
The Professional Development (PD) Physical Education Expansion K-8 (PEEK-8) grant, funded by the Oregon Department of Education, provides funds to schools, school districts, and public charter schools in Oregon to provide evidence-based professional development to educators that are not specifically endorsed in physical education that will lead to quality physical education instruction and meet the K-8 minute requirements.
The Teacher Hire (TH) Physical Education Expansion K-8 (PEEK-8) grant, funded by the Oregon Department of Education, provides funds to schools, school districts, and public charter schools to hire licensed physical education teachers. The grant is designed to support activities related to meeting the physical education instructional requirements for students in kindergarten through grade 8 as described in ORS 329.496.
SSAE Grant
The student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) Grant, funded by the Oregon Department of Education, serves to improve student’s academic achievement by increasing the capacity of State, districts, and local communities to provide a well-rounded education, improve school conditions for learning, and improve the use of technology.
Safe Routes to School
Oregon Safe Routes to School offers grant programs and workshops in an effort to improve, educate, and encourage children to safely walk (by foot or mobility device) or bike to school. Grant programs are available for reducing barriers and hazards for children going to school, fix urgent needs, and project identification.
Fuel Up to Play 60
The NFL’s Fuel Up to Play 60 program offers up to $4,000 per year to qualified K-12 schools to jumpstart healthy changes. Funding can be used to perform a “Healthy Eating Play” and a “Physical Activity Play.” Learn more about the application process on the Fuel Up to Play 60 website.
Providence Health and Services
Providence Health and Services provides funding to community partners in support of creating healthier communities. Opportunities are available for event sponsorships, program support, and grants. To learn more and apply, email [email protected].
Look into these websites to see which grants may be useful to you and your school.
Inclusion of the following external web links does not imply endorsement of either the reliability of the information presented or its suitability for a particular age group or grade level.
Other Resources
These organizations, tools, and articles regarding physical education and physical activity can help you better understand physical activity in schools.
Inclusion of the following external web links does not imply endorsement of either the reliability of the information presented or its suitability for a particular age group or grade level.
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation empowers kids to develop lifelong healthy habits by ensuring he environments that surround them provide and promote good health.
The Council for Children’s Expanded Physical Education (CCEPE) was organized for charitable and educational purposes, and for promoting quality physical education through quality presentations
Fuel Up to Play 60, launched by the National Football League and National Dairy Council, focuses on helping schools meet their wellness goals and encouraging youth to consume nutrient-rich foods and getting at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day.
The National School Boards Association is a not-for-profit organization representing State Associations of school boards and their member districts across the United States.
The Oregon Dairy and Nutrition Council works on behalf of all dairy farm families and dairy processors throughout Oregon to advance the benefits of dairy nutrition.
Oregon Healthy Schools is a partnership between the Oregon Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs and the Oregon Health Authority that helps school districts make the most of their investments in school wellness with tailored assessments, tools, and support towards their goals
Oregon SHAPE promotes healthy, active lifestyles for all Oregon school-aged children and youth through professional development opportunities and advocacy.
SHAPE serves as a voice for health and PE professionals across the nation and is known for
creating the National Standards for K-12 Physical Education.
A CSPAP is a multi-component approach to physical activity that uses all opportunities to be active. SHAPE America and the CDC have created step-by-step guidance on developing a CSPAP for your school.
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (pdf), released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provide recommendations for all Americans ages 3 and older.
The PECAT, developed by the CDC, is a self-assessment and planning guide designed to help school districts and schools conduct analyses of physical education curricula based upon national PE standards.
The WSCC model is the CDC’s framework to address health in schools, emphasizing the role of the community in supporting schools.
School District Wellness Policies (pdf): Evaluating progress and potential for improving children’s health eight years after the federal mandate (2016).
The Crucial Role of Recess in School (pdf): A policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics, stating that recess is a crucial and necessary component of a child’s development.