Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative
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About OPEC Hubs
The Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC) supports a statewide network of parenting "Hubs." As part of their role, OPEC Hubs:
- Provide infrastructure to support parenting education efforts across their region, serving as a “go-to” place for families and community partners related to parenting resources and programs, support professional development opportunities for parenting education professionals, and collect data
- Foster community collaboration to coordinate parenting programs across community partners, build relationships between cross-sector partners, and leverage available resources in support of families
- Expand access to and normalize parenting education programs through a combination of direct service and mini-grants to partner organizations to meet the needs of all families in their communities. OPEC Hubs support a blend of universal and targeted parenting programs that are evidence-/research-based and culturally-responsive
The OPEC Logic Model illustrates the strategies, outputs, and outcomes of this work.
Ready to get connected? Your local OPEC Hub can connect you with in-person and remote parenting classes, workshops, resources, and family events in your community.
For OPEC Hubs
Access the OPEC Digital Hub Guidebook
Log into the OPEC Reporting System