Parenting Educator Support

Parenting Educator Support

Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative


Parenting education professionals play a key role in supporting the well-being of families in ways that are culturally responsive and inclusive.

As a community of parenting education professionals, we offer opportunities for networking, training, and support, and promote the value of our practice.

A smiling woman wearing glasses and a white shirt sitting at a desk with a laptop.

OPEC Training Academy

Register for free virtual trainings hosted by OPEC, build a portfolio, and connect with other professionals online.

Crowded room with people sitting at tables and working on laptops.

Parenting Educator Conference

Each spring, OPEC hosts the annual Oregon Parenting Educators Conference. Parenting educators, home visitors, and other family support professionals are invited to present and to attend each year.  

Two women shaking hands in a crowded room.

Connect with other professionals

About the OPEC Professional Development System

The OPEC Professional Development System is a free online system for parenting education professionals, maintained by OPEC. Here is where you can:

For questions regarding your OPEC Professional Development Account, please contact [email protected]

Go to Professional Development System

Getting Started as a Parenting Educator

Access resources to develop your skills and knowledge as a parenting educator.

Essentials of Parenting Education Professional Practice self-paced course

In this free online course hosted on Canvas and created by OPEC and Oregon State University, students will learn the foundations of professional practice for parenting educators, including professional ethics, setting boundaries, addressing biases, and facilitation skills. This is a self-guided course in English with 7 modules and quizzes.

After completing the course, students can receive a certificate for four hours of training recognized by The Oregon Registry/The Oregon Home Visiting Workforce. 

Enroll in Course in Canvas (Free Canvas account required, opens in new tab)

Read User Guide and FAQ for course

Additional Training Opportunities


Live classes


Links & Partners

Stay in Touch

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We curate a monthly newsletter with new professional development trainings, resources, and opportunities for those interested in parenting education. Register below, or using this direct link: subscribe to the Parenting Educators Post

Subscribe to the Parenting Educators Post

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