

Early Learning System Initiative

Hallie E. Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families

We define coaching as, “a relationship-based process”… led by an individual with “…specialized and adult learning, knowledge and skills, who often serves in a different professional role than the recipient(s).” (  NAEYC training glossary)

Coaching takes a strength- and relationship-based approach to focus on supporting the development of a professional through collaborative goal setting.

2024 Quarter 3 Impact Report


The ELSI Coaching Core is working with partners to develop two primary initiatives to support coaching activities within Oregon early care and education systems.

Mentor Coaching Framework

Mentor Coaching Framework

Develop and implement a Mentor Coaching Framework, designed to support Preschool Promise (PSP) and Oregon Prenatal to Kindergarten coaches.

Coaching Competencies

Coaching Competencies

Develop coaching competencies and a subsequent tiered certification system for the state of Oregon.

Professional development

We also support coach professional development through resources and workshops for coaches in the state of Oregon.

Contact a coach

Are you a coach and want to speak with a mentor coach? Email [email protected] to get in touch.