Oregon Coaching Competencies
Early Learning System Initiative
Hallie E. Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families
The Oregon Coaching Competencies reflect the high-quality, effective skills and practices that coaches supporting coachees (e.g., early educators) should exemplify in the tiered coaching certification system in Oregon.
The Oregon Coaching Competencies:
- Use strategies to support culturally responsive coaching
- Use strategies to build collaborative partnerships
- Apply adult learning principles
- Use data to develop coaching goals
- Observe, provide feedback, and facilitate goal-focused reflection on effective practice
- Coaching for high-quality: Developmentally appropriate, inclusive, culturally responsive, trauma-informed, and linguistically appropriate teaching practices.
Each of the six competencies begins with a short description that is followed by a list of characteristics and skills that further illustrate the description. The Oregon Coaching Competencies are available in English, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Russian, and Vietnamese.
Oregon Coaching Competencies
After nearly a year of development, we present six coaching competencies to reflect the high-quality, effective skills and practices that coaches supporting coachees (e.g., early educators) should embody in this system.
Competencias de Coaching de Oregon
Luego de casi un año de desarrollo, presentamos seis competencias de coaching para reflejar las destrezas y prácticas eficaces y de alta calidad que los coaches que apoyan a los coachees (es decir, a los educadores de la primera infancia) deben personificar en este sistema.
Компетенции преподавателей штата Орегон
После почти года разработки мы представляем шесть компетенций преподавателей с целью отразить высококачественные и эффективные навыки и практики, которые преподаватели (например, обучающие преподавателей для детей раннего возраста), должны воплощать в рамкахэтой системы.
Năng lực Huấn luyện Oregon
Sau gần một năm phát triển, chúng tôi đưa ra sáu năng lực huấn luyện đểphản ánh các kỹnăng và phương pháp thực hành chất lượng cao, hiệu quảmà huấn luyện viên cần phải thểhiện trong hệthống này khi hỗtrợhọc viên (ví dụ: các nhà giáo dục mầm non).