Coaching Resources

Coaching Resources

Early Learning System Initiative

Hallie E. Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families

Coaching Guidebook

The Coaching Core has released the updated version of the Oregon Coach Guidebook 2024-2025: A Brief Implementation Guide for Practice-Based Coaching. 

This document is intended as a starting point to learn about coaching in Oregon, accessing resources, and includes templates/documents that can be used as a foundation for the work coaches do with educators.

Previously, we had guidebooks that were program-specific for OPK and PSP. This iteration is intended for all audiences.


Oregon Coach Guidebook 2024-2025


Guía para orientadores de Oregon 2024-2025

Practice-Based Coaching  cyle involves three main components

Practice Based Coaching (PBC) Resources

Practice-Based Coaching is “a cyclical process for supporting education staffs’ use of effective practices that lead to positive outcomes for children.”

Practice-Based Coaching cycle

Within the context of a collaborative partnership that informs all parts, the Practice-Based Coaching cycle involves three main components:

Shared goals and action planning

Together, the coach and educator examine data (for example: program-level goals, child-level data), and a set of goals is collaboratively developed that is used to create an action plan to guide coaching.

Focused Observation

Based on the goals and action plan developed above, information (data) is gathered and recorded about the implementation of the desired effective practices.

Reflection & Feedback

Coaches and early educators meet to discuss and reflect on observation and progress, and to share and consider feedback about the implementation of support strategies and effective practices. During this reflection time, support strategies (e.g., role-playing, problem solving, creating resources) are also used to improve or refine effective practices.

Learn more

You can learn more about the components of Practice-Based Coaching: