Early Care and Education Supply

Early Care and Education Supply

Supply by age group, metropolitan status, and percentage of publicly funded slots.

Oregon Child Care Deserts

View a report about Oregon’s child care deserts that maps supply by child age group and percentage of publicly funded slots.


Past reports

Oregon Child Care Supply

The following are a collection of tables that include an overview of the number of providers and slots in early care and education, the supply by age group, the percent of child population who have access to a slot, and an overview of publicly funded slots. Information provided by age group and regulatory type at the county level.

Supply and Demand in Oregon

These two reports examine how characteristics of children and the communities in which they live are associated with child care supply.

Early Learning Map of Oregon

Data from phase 1 of the Preschool Development Grant Birth-5 Strengths & Needs Assessment was used for the creation of the Early Learning Map of Oregon (ELMO), an interactive planning tool. This map aims to support Oregon’s early learning partners in their work on planning and improving early care and education in their region.