Programs Caring for Children on Subsidy: Integration of Oregon’s Subsidized Children, 2020

Programs Caring for Children on Subsidy: Integration of Oregon’s Subsidized Children, 2020

Oregon Child Care Research Partnership
Organizational Affiliation(s)
Oregon State University
Publication Date


In some states, children receiving subsidies are clustered in a limited number of facilities. That is, in those states, some facilities care totally or primarily for children whose care is subsidized by the State’s Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) program. Oregon’s child care subsidy program provides a parent a voucher with which to purchase care, therefore, children are integrated into existing child care and early learning program. To assess the extent to which subsidized children are integrated in Oregon child care and education facilities, two questions are addressed:

  1. What percent of licensed facilities that charge parents a fee (ex. tuition), care for at least one child receiving a subsidy?
  2. What percent of a facility’s desired capacity is filled with children on subsidy?

Results include current estimates (March 2020, pre-pandemic), as well as trends over time.

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Oregon Child Care Research Partnership