Statewide Household Survey Results: COVID-19 and Child Care

Statewide Household Survey Results: COVID-19 and Child Care

Katherine Pears
Alicia Miao
Beth Green
Nicole Lauzus
Lindsey Patterson
Deena Scheidt
Elizabeth Tremaine
Organizational Affiliation(s)
OSLC Developments, Inc.
Portland State University
Oregon Early Learning Division
Publication Date


The 2020 Oregon Household Survey was administered to parents and other care¬givers of children aged 0 to 5 years in Fall 2020. Questions explored a range of topics including whether the COVID-19 pandemic had affected families’ usage of child care and early education, whether families’ whose care had been disrupted received any services from their providers, the challenges and barriers faced by families trying to find child care and education during the pandemic, families’ concerns about and preferences for care in the future, and families’ experiences of suspensions and/or expulsions from care.

Contact info

Katherine Pears