Early Success in Prenatal-Grade 3 Family Engagement; Building Successful P-3 Initiatives: Foundations and Catalysts
Organizational Affiliation(s)
Center for Improvement of Child and Family Services, Portland State University
Publication Date
The purpose of the Prenatal to Grade 3 Alignment Initiative is to create stronger connections between elementary schools & providers of early childhood care/education programs; and between schools & parents of young children in 10 grantee communities across Oregon.
Based on our statewide research, these reports and research briefs summarize key findings in two areas: (1) Factors that support successful development and implementation of cross-sector Prenatal-Grade 3 initiatives; and (2) Early evidence of successful family engagement approaches. One-pagers are available specifically for Policy Makers and Educational Leaders.
Brief - P-3 Family Engagement for Policy Makers
(710.58 KB)
Contact info
Beth Green