Early Success in Prenatal-Grade 3 Family Engagement; Building Successful P-3 Initiatives: Foundations and Catalysts

Early Success in Prenatal-Grade 3 Family Engagement; Building Successful P-3 Initiatives: Foundations and Catalysts

Beth L. Green
Callie H. Lambarth
Lindsey Patterson
Mackenzie Burton
Diane Reid
Organizational Affiliation(s)
Center for Improvement of Child and Family Services, Portland State University
Publication Date


The purpose of the Prenatal to Grade 3 Alignment Initiative is to create stronger connections between elementary schools & providers of early childhood care/education programs; and between schools & parents of young children in 10 grantee communities across Oregon.

Based on our statewide research, these reports and research briefs summarize key findings in two areas: (1) Factors that support successful development and implementation of cross-sector Prenatal-Grade 3 initiatives; and (2) Early evidence of successful family engagement approaches. One-pagers are available specifically for Policy Makers and Educational Leaders.

Contact info

Beth Green