Parenting Education Curricula
Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative
Foundations of Facilitation
Foundations of Facilitation is a skill building training for group parenting education facilitators. The materials are free to use by all. Organizations can use these materials to train their own parenting educators. Key content covered in this training include:
- Setting group agreements
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in parenting education
- Adult Learning Principles
- Understanding fidelity of parenting education curricula
- Facilitation strategies
- Parenting educator self-care
OPEC occasionally hosts free training of Foundation of Facilitation - see our Training Academy calendar to see what is available.
Parenting Now also hosts Foundations of Facilitation trainings for a fee.
For questions about Foundations of Facilitation materials, contact OPEC at [email protected]
Copyright © 2019 The Ford Family Foundation, except where noted (“Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC) Program Fidelity Tools” and “What Works, Wisconsin: Research to Practice Series”). The Ford Family Foundation permits nonprofit organizations to: (1) use, copy and distribute these materials (in whole or in part) without modification for educational purposes only (including as part of a fee-for-participation class or in combination with other materials); and (2) translate these materials into other languages; provided that no organization may imply that it represents or is associated with The Ford Family Foundation. Any other use of these materials is prohibited without prior written permission from The Ford Family Foundation. For questions, contact The Ford Family Foundation at [email protected].
Last updated: October 2024
Parenting Education Curricula
There are many parenting education programs and curricula available for educators and organizations to adopt. OPEC Grantee organizations are required to use evidence-based curricula series and implement them with fidelity. Additionally, OPEC Grantees implement additional evaluation practices; learn more about evaluation here.
Some examples of parenting education curricula are:
- Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors
- Effective Black Parenting
- Incredible Years
- Make Parenting A Pleasure, SE / Haga de la Paternidad un Placer, SE (Spanish Version – Make Parenting a Pleasure)
- Nurturing Parenting
- Positive Indian Parenting
- Strengthening Families Program for parents of 7-17 year olds
For OPEC Grantees, see a full list of recommended parenting education curricula here. If you have questions about parenting education curricula used with OPEC funding, email Shauna Tominey at [email protected].
Program Fidelity Tools
Implementation fidelity refers to the “extent to which delivery of an intervention adheres to the protocols and program model originally developed” (Mowbrey et al., 2003). Maintaining fidelity and being responsive to the communities parent educators work with is a careful balance. To help with this aim, OPEC has developed a suite of resources that will help you make informed decisions.
- Monitoring Fidelity in OPEC Parenting Education Series explains the basics of program fidelity and evaluation and provides guidance for what can and cannot be changed in an evidence-based parenting education curriculum.
- How to Rate Fidelity to Best Practices in Parenting Education: A User Guide was created in 2014-2015 and provides easy-to-follow instructions for calculating the fidelity rating for across a number of indicators. It refers to the following tools: