Photos and Videography
Marketing and Communications
College of Health
What we can do for you
Our photo and video services are tied to college level branding initiatives, recruitment and online content needs.
We may be able to do your project in-house or we may make another recommendation, depending on the nature of the request.
OSU Media Services
If you need high-quality video, especially for use with external media, consider Academic Technologies' Media Services.
Media Services offers many options for your production needs, both in and out of the classroom—including video and/or audio recording, live streaming, videoconferencing, broadcast connections and studio productions. They produce media and instructional materials for outlets, web applications or recorded formats.
To submit a Media Services request at mysupport, select "Other (will ask for IT Department)" from the "Service" dropdown menu. Then select "Academic Technologies" from the "IT Group" dropdown menu.
Request considerations
Before making a photo or video request, please consider the following:
Lead time
Have you provided enough lead time? Please provide at least a week’s notice for photography requests. If you’re requesting a video, provide at least two months’ notice.
Visually interesting
Is it visually interesting? Standing at a podium does not count as visually interesting (unless you or your speaker is internationally famous).
Processing time
Keep in mind that processing takes time. Weeks go into video editing and photo processing can take hours.
Available photos
Oregon State has a collection of official OSU photographs at Oregon State Brand.
If you are looking for a photo from a previous photo shoot or event, let us know.
Need a new headshot?
When you need a new headshot, please complete our project request form.
Note We only offer headshots for people in the College of Health.
Photo or video permission
When filming or photographing individuals for marketing purposes, we ask individuals to sign the OSU Model Release Form.
Electronic signing of model releases is available via DocuSign.
Instructions for DocuSign model release forms
The university requires individuals to sign a model release form when they are photographed, including all Oregon State faculty, staff and students. As a general guide, if you’re taking a picture of a single person or a small group and they’re the main focus of your shot, have them complete and sign a model release form.
For large groups, workshops or events, there is a long form for multiple names. This is the preferred method, particularly if the student is involved, due to FERPA regulations. Consider informing attendees ahead of time when photographs will be taken. As a suggestion, post a sign at the entrance that states, “Photos will be taken at this event and potentially used in Oregon State University promotional materials. By attending this event, you consent to have your photo taken and allow Oregon State University to use these photographs. If you don’t want your photo taken, please let the organizers know.” Always bring model releases (the long form for large groups) to pass around as well.
If you take photos or videos in a public space where individuals don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy, for example in Reser Stadium, you do not need to seek permission from those over 21. However, always get permission from parents of children and let people know that they may be part of the photo or video so they can choose not to participate.