2014 Projects
Healthy Community Outreach Projects
Moore Family Center
OSU Extension has been an expressway to Oregon communities for more than 100 years. Each regional project throughout Oregon has been focusing on ways “to improve the lifelong health of Oregonians where they live, work, learn and play that stimulates innovation and collaboration.” Each regional project also includes a whole grain foods component.
Each project demonstrates the value of OSU Extension community-based education through outreach and engagement. Regional Project Teams were comprised of either FCH, 4-H or NEP faculty, with on campus evaluation faculty and a community partner. Regions were awarded up to $25,000 to address a health factor as identified by the Oregon Health Improvement Plan (2010-2020) (pdf).
A brief overview of the regional projects is available in the June 2015 Ignite Presentation Booklet (pdf)
The MFC – Healthy Community Outreach (MFC – HCO) Project posters were presented at the International Whole Grain Summit held June 2015, in Portland, Oregon and co-hosted by OSU Moore Family Center. These posters are available for viewing on each region's webpage. In addition, look for the Lesson Plan “Whole Grain Foods, For Every Meal of the Day” on the Extension website and the grain kit that makes this a very visual lesson.
2014-2015 Funded Projects
Region 1 North East
(Baker, Union and Wallowa counties) -
Region 2 South East
(Grant, Harney & Malheur counties) -
Region 3 Columbia Plateau
(Gilliam, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla & Wheeler counties) -
Region 4 Mid-Columbia
(Hood River & Wasco counties) -
Region 5 Central Oregon
(Crook, Deschutes & Jefferson counties) -
Region 6 South Central
(Klamath & Lake counties) -
Region 7 Southern Oregon
(Jackson & Josephine counties) -
Region 8 South West
(Coos, Curry, Douglas & Lane counties) -
Region 9 West Central
(Benton, Linn, Marion, Polk & Yamhill counties) -
Region 10 Clackamas
(Clackamas county) -
Region 11 Metro
(Multnomah & Washington counties) -
Region 12 North Coast
(Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln, & Tillamook counties)
Program Highlights
Use the force ... of whole grains!
The Whole Grain Heroes Video Campaign received funding from the Moore Family Center to create a series of high quality videos featuring local families making healthy, whole grain recipes. Oregonians who attended Jurassic World or Star Wars: The Force Awakens, who live on the North Coast or Southwest regions of Oregon, were even treated to a 30-second commercial created as part of this project.
Each high-quality video meets the project goals of empowering low-income families to prepare healthy meals together, demonstrate easy, fun ways for kids to help in the kitchen, promote the use of low-cost whole grains in family meals, and increase awareness of the Foodhero.org website as a resource for healthy recipes and tips. An estimated 650,000 people viewed these commercials. This was one of many successful Healthy Community Outreach projects carried out in Oregon this year.