Student Fellows Program

Student Fellows Program

Moore Family Center

Healthy Community Outreach Program

GET OUT THERE this summer and improve community health!

Healthy Communities Outreach Fellowship

As a paid Fellow of the OSU Moore Family Center Healthy Community Outreach Program, you can

  • Collaborate with experienced professionals who work to improve nutrition and the food environment in their communities.
  • Gain valuable hands-on experience in
    • Community-based participatory research
    • Community engagement
    • Health leadership
    • Best practices in health promotion and behavior
    • Promoting policy, systems and environmental changes to optimize the nutrition and health of every person, family and community
  • Make a difference in the health and wellness of an Oregon community.
  • Earn an hourly wage while engaging in work that enhances your career readiness.
  • Earn college credit for this work experience.

Fellows work 20-30 hours per week during summer term at an OSU Extension Office in one of several communities across Oregon.

The fellowships are open to all CPHHS students.


Learn More About the 2020 Fellows


Community: Corvallis

Serving Lane, Linn, Coos, Douglas, Jackson and other counties.

Corvallis Fellow: Galen Bizovi – Read Galen’s bio

  • Project: Master Food Preservers Social Media Campaign
  • Faculty mentor: Dr. Joy Wait-Cusic


Community: Hood River

Serving Hood River, Wasco, Klickitat and Skamania counties.

Hood River Fellow: Aurore Morley  - Read Aurore’s bio

  • Project: StrongWomen Program
  • Faculty mentor: Lauren Kraemer


Community: Redmond

Serving Deschutes County

Redmond Fellow: Luna Nelson - Read Luna’s bio

  • Project: Farmer’s Market & Kids on the Move
  • Faculty mentor: Katie Ahern


Past student fellows

Check out 2019 Fellow bios and where are they now? updates.

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