PhD Concentration in Epidemiology


PhD in Public Health Concentration

Use scientific research to improve community health

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Solve public health challenges with an epidemiology PhD

In the epidemiology doctoral program, you’ll learn to design, conduct and manage research to become an independent and collaborative researcher.

Through a combination of coursework, practice opportunities and doctoral research, this epidemiology PhD program will prepare you for a career in research and teaching, or leadership in federal or state agencies or private institutions.

Epidemiology research

As a doctoral student, you will collaborate with epidemiological experts who study how a variety of factors affect human health, including:

  • Climate change
  • Complex chronic disease management
  • Disease prevention and management
  • Disaster preparedness
  • Foodborne outbreaks
  • Healthy aging
  • HIV
  • Maternity care
  • Pollutants at work, at home and in the environment

Meet epidemiology faculty members.

Estimated costs

The Public Health PhD program is a 109-credit program that can be completed within 4-5 years on a full-time credit load (except for summer).

The estimated costs for the program are broken down as follows:

Resident costs for years 1-3

$15,795 per year

Resident Tuition ($13,446)
+ Fees ($2,349)

Each additional year after 3

$6,832 per year

Resident Tuition ($4,482)
+ Fees ($2,349)

Non-resident costs for years 1-3

$31,698 per year

Non-resident Tuition ($29,349)
+ Fees ($2,349)

Each additional year after 3

$12,132 per year

Non-resident Tuition ($9,783)
+ Fees ($2,349)

Tuition and fees estimates were calculated using the 23-24 academic year tuition and fees tables in combination with the tuition calculator. Please note, tuition and fees can change for the 24-25 academic year.

Your experience as a public health doctoral student

PhD program handbooks

See which courses you’ll take as a public health doctoral student.

Public health handbook

Learning competencies

What you’ll learn in the epidemiology concentration.

Learning competencies

Fellowships and awards Tuition and funding

Get information about assistantships, your investment and more.

Fellowships and awards.

Tuition and funding.

A world map with red dots indicating locations of interest

Add the epidemiology graduate minor

The epidemiology graduate minor is intended for doctoral students who seek additional formal training and mentoring in epidemiology.

Kendra D. Sims, MPH

Kendra D. Sims, PhD ’21
Currently a postdoctoral scholar at University of California, San Fransisco

Kendra researches social and clinical risk factors of disability. Applying predictive modeling methodologies, she investigates quantifying health disparities in later life.

She applies causal inference theory and statistical methods to multi-level stressors and disparities in population health.

See other recent graduates.

We’re here to help


For questions about the application process and requirements, contact College of Health graduate admissions.


For academic or professional information specific to the environmental and occupational health doctoral program, please contact Program Director Molly Kile, ScD

CEPH accreditation seal


Our BS, MPH and PhD Public Health programs are accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health. This distinction ensures your education meets the nationally-agreed-upon standards developed by public health academics and practitioners.