Good News
College of Health
Did you, a colleague, or a student recently accomplish something great? We want to hear about it! Fill out this form so we can recognize their hard work and contributions.
Associate Professor Sam Logan is co-author of a chapter in "Seating and Wheeled Mobility: A Clinical Resource Guide," published in December 2024. The book provides information ranging from foundational content for new practitioners to in-depth, population-specific information for practitioners who have not previously worked with a particular population.
Kinesiology faculty hosted colleagues from similar programs at community colleges and universities across the state on Thursday, Jan. 23. The event included information sharing and networking.
The Kinesiology Program presented its new undergraduate curriculum, which is anticipated for the 2025-26 academic year. The daylong event was followed by social activities, including attendance at the Oregon State men's basketball game.
On Wednesday, Jan. 22, the College of Health and PRAx hosted "The Power of Movement: A Workshop with push/FOLD." Students and faculty turned out in strong numbers to participate in the workshop. We hope this is the first of many COH collaborations with PRAx.
College of Health Instructor and alumna Ashley Vaughn, MPH ’21 received the Phyllis S. Lee Award at this year’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Breakfast on January 20.
A former public school teacher, Ashley was recognized for her ability to inspire and motivate others in word and deed. Ashley engages students in critical exploration of health equity related courses and teaches a transformative short-term study abroad program. Her teaching prepares and connects students to work toward social justice, and she is committed to numerous activities outside the classroom that seek to dismantle systemic racism and other systems of oppression.
Associate Professors Kelly Chandler and Sam Logan recently published a paper exploring the successful implementation of punk pedagogy principles in Sam's Honors College course, "Punk 101." This course, focused on punk music and culture, fostered a positive learning environment where students not only gained knowledge and appreciation for punk but also experienced personal growth through DIY practices and cultivated a strong sense of community both within and beyond the classroom. Their findings suggest that punk pedagogy can be a valuable and effective approach in higher education.
COH alum Sean Morrow, ’07, demonstrates his commitment to world peace by serving with Peace Corps/The Gambia. He previously served in Ethiopia from 2016 to 2018, then in The Gambia from 2019 to 2020, where his service finished early due to COVID-19 evacuations. He then volunteered for a U.S. deployment through Peace Corps in 2021 to assist with domestic COVID-19 efforts. He returned to The Gambia in 2022.
Congratulations to Professor Megan McClelland on her performance in "The Nutcracker," presented by the Regional School of Ballet on Dec. 13-14. Pictured with her is her daughter, Carina; they performed together as snowflakes. It's great to see the College of Health represented in the community. Congratulations, Megan!
PAC instructor Naomi Tuinstra was nominated for Most Valuable Professor (MVP) for the online meditation course by an Oregon State volleyball player.
Naomi's award was announced at a home volleyball game, and she was there in person to represent Physical Activity Courses and mind/body programs - important, life-changing courses. Her child joined Naomi on the court, making the moment even more special.
Associate Professor David Rothwell was invited to talk on the KLCC radio show Oregon On the Record. In this edition, David discusses poverty, inequality and basic income.
Congrats, Lila Reid Hepner, on hosting a successful Fall PAC Dance Showcase. The Women's Building gym was buzzing with hundreds of Oregon State students sharing their dance performances. It was an amazing celebration of dance, fall term and hard work!
Two College of Health faculty received the 2024 director's award for outstanding contribution at the OSU Extension Annual Conference. Allison Myers, associate dean for extension and engagement and FCH program director, and Jamie Davis, regional director for the southern region, were given the awards by Kris Elliott, director of extension and interim vice provost for extension and engagement.
Four OSU Extension Family and Community Health faculty and staff received awards at the December 5 Extension Annual Conference for their contributions, collaboration and excellence.
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