EOH Faculty Labs

Faculty labs

Environmental and Occupational Health

Our faculty conduct novel, impactful, interdisciplinary research locally, nationally and internationally. Below are links to Environmental and Occupational Health faculty labs that highlight ongoing projects and research opportunities.

Environmental Exposure and Biomarker Lab

Environmental Exposure and Biomarker Lab

The Environmental Exposure and Biomarker Lab measures metal concentrations in environmental and biological samples in order to determine personal exposure to contaminants. We also examine molecular biomarkers that may be generated by exposure to environmental contaminants.

Environmental Health Literacy and Translation Lab

Environmental Health Literacy and Translation Lab

The Environmental Health Literacy and Translation Lab evaluates the role of environmental health literacy in helping communities better frame and respond to environmental health hazards. Current projects incorporate disaster research, asthma and air pollution, and Indigenous environmental health.

Methylmercury Lab

Methylmercury Lab

The Methylmercury Lab carries out research related to methylmercury cycling and exposure. Their goal is to mitigate methylmercury exposure among vulnerable populations. They use a multidisciplinary framework, including environmental monitoring, risk assessment, and epidemiologic studies, to fully understand the dynamics of methylmercury exposure.

Occupational Ergonomics and Biomechanics Laboratory

Occupational Ergonomics and Biomechanics Laboratory

The Occupational Ergonomics and Biomechanics Laboratory uses a variety of bioinstrumentation to characterize work-related physical exposures and investigate their relationships with adverse health outcomes with an ultimate goal of promoting health and well-being at workplaces. We conduct both laboratory and field-based research studies to investigate underlying musculoskeletal injury mechanism in various work environment from computer work to heavy equipment operation.

Occupational Safety and Health Laboratory

Occupational Safety and Health Laboratory

The Occupational Safety and Health Laboratory uses a variety of tools and methods to investigate workplace hazards and environmental pollutants on safety and health outcomes in working populations and communities. They conduct a broad range of research in the commercial fishing industry, masonry workers, and the timber industry.

Spatial Health Laboratory

Spatial Health Laboratory

The Spatial Health Laboratory carries out diverse research related to health and place.

Given the spatially correlated nature of environmental and social health determinants, we use a multidisciplinary framework to fully understand how place influences health. The goal of this research is to inform policies and practices to create healthy communities and individuals.

Recent publications

(This is not an exhaustive list. We are still rebuilding our database of faculty publications. Visit individual faculty profiles for more extensive lists of their publications.)


Hystad, P., Hill, E.L., Larkin, A., Schrank, D., Harleman, M., Volkin, E.T., Campbell, E.J., Molitor, J., Harris, L., Ritz, B.R., Willis, M.D.  (2025)  Changes in traffic-related air pollution exposures and associations with adverse birth outcomes over 20 years in Texas  International Journal of Epidemiology  54(1)


Stieb, D., Chen, L., Hystad, P., Rittmaster, R., Lavigne, E.  (2024)  Outdoor nitrogen dioxide exposure and longitudinal health status trajectory in the Canadian National Population Health Survey  Scientific Reports  14
O'Malley, K.E., Ghetu, C.C., Rohlman, D., Anderson, K.  (2024)  Assessing Wildfire Impact on Diffusive Flux of Parent and Alkylated PAHs: A Pilot Study of Soil-Air Chemical Movement before, during, and after Wildfires  Environmental Science & Technology  
Amram, O., Oje, O., Larkin, A., Boakye, K.A., Avery, A.R., Gebremedhin, A.H., Williams, B., Duncan, G.E., Hystad, P.  (2024)  Smartphone Google Location History: A Novel Approach to Outdoor Physical Activity Research  Journal of Physical Activity & Health  
Yi, L., Harnois-Leblanc, S., Rifas-Shiman, S.L., Suel, E., Pescador Jimenez, M., Lin, P.I., Hystad, P., Hankey, S., Zhang, W., Hivert, M., Oken, E., Aris, I.M., James, P.  (2024)  Satellite-Based and Street-View Green Space and Adiposity in US Children  JAMA Network Open  7(12)
Yi, L., Rifas-Shiman, S.L., Jimenez, M.P., Lin, P., Suel, E., Hystad, P., Larkin, A., Hankey, S., Zhang, W., Klompmaker, J.O., Oken, E., Hivert, M., Aris, I.M., James, P  (2024)  Assessing greenspace and cardiovascular health through deep-learning analysis of street-view imagery in a cohort of US children  Environmental Research  265
Kia, K., Chan, A., Salehi, M., Kincl, L., Kim, J.H.  (2024)  Effects of different block designs on low back and shoulders biomechanical loads and postural stability during crab pot handling  Applied Ergonomics  124
Young, K., Brown, K.A., Crocker Daniel, L., Duarte, K., Rohlman, D.  (2024)  Wildfire Smoke Exposure During Pregnancy: Consensus-Building to Co-Create a Community-Engaged Study  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.  21(11)
Willis, M., Mooney, F., Weuve, J., Hystad, P., Walker, H., Walker, A., Stelly, A., Fox, S., Lees, L.  (2024)  The Promises and Potential Pitfalls of Highway Reclamation for Population Health: A Research Framework  Journal of Urban Health  
Oje, O., Stirewalt, T., Amram, O., Hystad, P., Amiri, S., Gebremedhin, A.H.  (2024)  HierGP: Hierarchical Grid Partitioning for Scalable Geospatial Data Analytics  ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems