Sports Injury Prevention Research Group
Brown CN. Clinical utility of tests for lateral ankle sprains. Northwest Athletic Trainers’ Association D10. Portland, OR. March 24, 2018.
Research Oral and Poster Abstracts
Norcross MF, Johnson ST, Bovbjerg VE. Athletic exposure methodology
influence injury risk estimates in collegiate sports. 2018 National Athletic Trainers’ Association Clinical Symposia & AT Expo, New Orleans, LA. Journal of Athletic Training 53(6), S58.
Huang YL, Johnson ST, Norcross MF. Relationships between triple extensor
explosive strength and horizontal jump performance. 2018 National Athletic Trainers’ Association Clinical Symposia & AT Expo, New Orleans, LA. Journal of Athletic Training 53(6), S334.
Johnson ST, Norcross MF, Bovbjerg VE, Koester MC. Barriers and facilitators
of implementing emergency action plans in Oregon high schools. 2018 National Athletic Trainers’ Association Clinical Symposia & AT Expo, New Orleans, LA. Journal of Athletic Training 53(6), S216.
Pollard CD, Ter Har J, Hannigan JJ, Norcross MF. The influence of maximal
running shoes on biomechanics prior to and following a 5k run. 2018 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 50(5), S631.
Li T, Norcross MF, Johnson ST. Is expanding high school athletic trainers a cost-effective way for injury control and emergency health services: A medial claims analysis. 2017 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA.
Huang YL, Chang E, Johnson ST, Pollard CD, Hoffman MA, Norcross MF. Comparison of quadriceps rate of torque development and sagittal plane knee kinematics during two jump tasks between ACL reconstructed and healthy females. 2017 National Athletic Trainers’ Association Clinical Symposia & AT Expo, Houston, TX. Journal of Athletic Training 52(6), S81.
Chang E, Johnson ST, Pollard CD, Huang YL, Hoffman MA, Norcross MF. Sagittal plane knee mechanics in those who pass or fail a functional test battery. 2017 National Athletic Trainers’ Association Clinical Symposia & AT Expo, Houston, TX. Journal of Athletic Training 52(6), S82
Brown CN, Samson CO. Functional movement screen and overuse injuries in collegiate club sport athletes. 2017 National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting. Houston, TX, USA. Journal of Athletic Training. 2017;52(6):S-119.
Bovbjerg VE, Johnson ST, Norcross MF, Hoffman MA. Athletic trainers as sporting event first responders. 2016 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Denver, CO.
Stone C, Johnson ST, Norcross MF, Hoffman MA. Consistency of H-reflex measures during explosive muscular contraction. 2016 National Athletic Trainers’ Association Clinical Symposia & AT Expo, Baltimore, MD. Journal of Athletic Training 51(6), S292.
Brown CN, Rosen AB, Ko J, Hsieh KL, Samson CO. Lateral ankle joint complex stiffness to inversion in those with chronic ankle instability. 2016 National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, USA. Journal of Athletic Training. 2016;51(6):S-257.