Sports Injury Prevention Research Group

Sports Injury Prevention Research Group

Improving sports safety and wellness for individuals and populations

In the Laboratory

We are most interested in how the nervous system and musculoskeletal system work together to produce human movement, and the relationships between specific movement patterns and neural profiles and musculoskeletal health. We utilize cutting-edge instrumentation to identify factors that can be targeted in athletes/patients to prevent injury and improve performance.

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In the Community

We work to improve the health and safety of athletes from a variety of populations such as recreational, club, high school, and collegiate sports through multidisciplinary research. We collaborate with high schools, the Pac-12 Conference, and community-based sports medicine clinicians to study and address problems at a population level using a variety of approaches including injury surveillance, policy development and evaluation, and implementation science.



Cathleen Brown Crowell PhD, ATC awarded Fellow Status

Cathleen Brown Crowell PhD, ATC awarded Fellow Status

The National Athletic Trainers’ Association awarded Fellows Status to Dr. Brown Crowell in June 2018. Fellow status is reserved for NATA members who distinguish themselves in the athletic training profession through quality research, educational contributions and service to the profession. Read more.

Athletic Training and Public Health Summit

Athletic Training and Public Health Summit Planned at OSU

OSU is set to host the second Athletic Training and Public Health Summit in Fall 2019. The previous summit highlighted issues important to athletic trainers and introduced how a population approach has, or could be, used to promote preventive practices at the population level. Read about the 2015 Summit.