Completing your degree
Master of Athletic Training
The OSU Master of Athletic Training Program is a professional program that prepares you to become a licensed and certified athletic trainer.
The program is two years long and begins the summer you are admitted to the program. It concludes upon graduation in June at the end of your second year. OSU uses the quarter system with summer, fall, winter and spring terms (see the OSU academic calendar). To allow you the opportunity to participate in clinical education opportunities during breaks, the program uses the non-traditional course calendar.
The program continues the long-standing use of clinical education experiences throughout the program.
Additionally, you will complete and defend a culminating project to graduate. You will work individually with a faculty member to develop the project and to establish a committee of other experts (e.g., faculty, preceptors) who will evaluate the project.
See program mission, goals and objectives.
Course progression
Athletic Training Graduate Courses (98 credits)
Year 1
Summer (11)
- AT 509 Practicum (3)
- AT 511 Introduction to Athletic Training (4)
AT 513 Clinical Anatomy (4)
Fall (12)
- AT 509 Practicum (5)
AT 530 Orthopedic Assessment I (4)
- AT 584 Physiology and Management of Musculoskeletal Injuries (3)
Winter (16)
- AT 509 Practicum (5)
- AT 531Orthopedic Assessment II (4)
- AT 541 Integrated Behavioral Health in Athletic Training (3)
- AT 566 General Medical Assessment (4)
Spring (15)
- AT 509 Practicum (5)
AT 532 Orthopedic Assessment III (4)
- AT 569 Research Informed Practice (3)
- AT 565 Management of Emergent Conditions in Athletic Training (3)
Year 2
Summer (5)
- AT 510 Internship (5)
Fall (15)
- AT 510 Internship (5)
- AT 585 Rehabilitation 1 (4)
- AT 583 Concussion Management (3)
- AT 587 Nutrition for Injury and Athletic Performance (3)
Winter (12)
- AT 510 Internship (5)
- AT 586 Rehabilitation 2 (4)
- AT 568 Administrative Issues in Athletic Training (3)
Spring (12)
- AT 510 Internship (12)
You can also view the degree requirements in the OSU Academic Catalog.
You will proceed through your courses as a cohort. Matriculation depends on the successful completion of required coursework (including clinical education components) and the successful completion and defense of a culminating project.
The OSU Graduate School requires the following to remain in good academic standing:
“A grade-point average of 3.00 (a B average) for 1) all courses taken as a degree-seeking graduate student, and 2) courses included in the graduate degree or graduate certificate program of study. Grades below C (2.00) cannot be used on a graduate program of study. A grade-point average of 3.00 is required before the final oral or written exam may be undertaken.”
Continuous enrollment and leave of absence
The OSU Graduate School requires graduate students to register for a minimum of three credits each term (not including summer) unless it has approved a leave of absence.
If you are considering a leave of absence because you are unable to actively pursue your degree, you should review the OSU Graduate School policies and procedures and consult with the MATrn program director.
Information regarding the continuous enrollment policy and leave of absence procedures can be found in the OSU Catalog and on the OSU Graduate School’s website.
OSU student code of conduct
MATRN students follow the Oregon State University student code of conduct (pdf). The student conduct code establishes community standards and procedures necessary to maintain and protect an environment conducive to learning, in keeping with the educational objectives of Oregon State University.
Grievances / disagreements
If you have an issue related to your graduate education, you may initiate grievance procedures through the OSU Graduate School. More information at grievance procedures for graduate students.