Region 8 South West (Coos, Curry, Douglas & Lane counties)

Region 8 South West

Healthy Communities Outreach Project

(Coos, Curry, Douglas & Lane counties)

“Whole Grain Promotion Campaign”

South West is collaborating with the North Coast to create two short videos featuring 4-H youth and their “Champion Moms” making healthy, whole grain Food Hero recipes together with a professional chef. The videos will be taped in the format of a cooking show and will include tips for including whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in family meals; fun ways to get kids involved in the kitchen; and children enjoying the recipes prepared. The videos will be hosted on the website which families can access to practice making the recipes together.

Team Members

  • Coos: Cindy Peterson (SNAP-Ed) and Elissa Wells (4-H)
  • Curry: Michelle Carrillo (4-H)
  • Douglas: Teresa Middleton (4-H), Laurie Miller (4-H) and Mandy Hatfield (FCH)
  • Lane: Karissa Dishon (4-H) and Rose Jepson-Sullivan (FCH)
  • South West Region: John Punches, Extension Regional Administrator

Highlighted Partners

  • Cascade Middle School
  • Bethel School District Nutrition Services

Project Files

Project Updates

The South West Region has had several video planning meetings with the North Coast Region, and story boards are in development. Locally in Lane, Douglas, Coos, and Curry counties, we have been promoting the Whole Grain Video Contest (pictured). Thanks to Bob’s Red Mill support, each family that submits a recipe will receive small bags of different kinds of whole grains (brown rice, bulgur, barley, buckwheat flour, and steel cut oats) to encourage them to continue cooking with whole grains at home.

Photo right: SNAP-Ed Education Program Assistant Susan Sandperl (center) shared news of the Whole Grains Video Contest to students from Myrtle Crest Elementary in Myrtle Point. Students are: (front row, l to r) Damian Lilienthal and Logan Clayburn, and (back row, l to r) Brayden Clayburn and Aidan Lilienthal.



Mandy Hatfield
Faculty page

Rose Jepson-Sullivan
Faculty page


Moore Family Center Outreach Activities

  • Food Hero video shoot with Oregon family making Brown Rice Bowls
  • Finished 2 minute videos will be shown on the OSU Food Hero website with statewide and national outreach


A group of people, including two adults and three children, holding signs for a "Whole Grains Video Contest".
  • Create 2 short videos with 4-H youth and their “Champion Moms” making whole grain Food Hero recipes
  • Promote fun ways to have kids help make family meals
  • Create excitement for the Whole Grain Foods video contest and give a bag of whole grains from Bob’s Red Mill to each contestant