Region 5 Central Oregon
(Crook, Deschutes & Jefferson counties)
Healthy Communities Outreach Project
“Promoting Consumption of Whole Grains, Fruits & Veggies in Central Oregon"
Central Oregon will promote the consumption of whole grains through a multi-faceted educational approach. Whole grains educational kits will be available for 4-H and Family and Community Health faculty members to utilize in whole grains education and cooking classes throughout the region. Take-home recipe kits will be available during Food Hero food pantry and community events along with four community workshops centered on baking with whole grains.
Team Members
- Jefferson/Crook: Stephanie Russell (FCH)
- Deschutes: Katie Ahern (FCH) and Candi Bothum (4-H)
- Warm Springs: Beth Ann Beamer (FCH)
- Crook: Jeremy Green (4-H)
- Jefferson: Jon Gandy (4-H)
Highlighted Partners
- Neighbor Impact Food Bank
- Indian Health Service and the Warm Springs Community Wellness Program
- Kid’s Club in Crook County
- WIC in Jefferson County
Project Files
Katie Ahern
Faculty page
Deschutes County Extension
Moore Family Center Outreach Activities

- Created a Whole Grains booth at the High Desert Food and Farm Alliance with the BRM grain grinders and MFC grain bike.
- Delivered a workshop on baking with whole grains
- Distributed take home recipe kits during community events

- Demonstrated smoothie/grain bike during county fairs
- Promoted physical activity and whole grain healthy snacks with the grain bike at Saturday Farmers Markets
- Offered an after school cooking club to strengthen healthy eating and physical activity using the “Kids in the Kitchen” lesson on whole grains including grinding wheat berries on the grain bike
Project Updates
We are moving forward with the grain kits and are almost ready to distribute. The smoothie bike has been a great success in several regional events. School partners are supportive of our whole grain projects. Our first month of the take-home kits was also successful. At the Deschutes County Fair OSU day, Bennie Beaver and the smoothie bike were a big attraction. Approximately 300 people were served. Also serving the Central Oregon Area, Project Connect is a one day event that provides services for the homeless and underserved of our community. We served Strawberry Swirl smoothies and Pasta with Greens and Beans.
In Crook County we worked with the Kid’s Club and 4-H. The community was invited to attend an event coordinated with a send-off for the Extension Health Runners, Isaiah and Jeremiah Godby. We sampled a whole grain recipe (Breakfast No-Bake Granola Bars) and had the kids carry ‘whole grains fuel activity’ signs while sending the runners off. We used the smoothie bike to make the Melon Coolers and handed out information on whole grains. The local paper was there and wrote a nice article about the event too! Approximately 60 people attended this event.
In Jefferson County:
We used the smoothie bike to make Strawberry Swirl smoothies and offered samples of No-Bake Granola Bars at an event with WIC and the Saturday Market while Cycle Oregon was in town. Approximately 300 people attended this event.