Region 11 Metro
(Multnomah & Washington counties)
Healthy Communities Outreach Project
“Healthy Eating and Healthy Living”
The Metro Region will include two integrated components centered on youth and families. In the first component, metro youth and adult audiences will receive whole grains and school gardening experiences through mentoring, partnering activities and teaching kits used in the community. Combined science, adult education and health systems expertise applied to the design and preparation will unify the content, which will be delivered in different ways to meet these audiences’ needs. Incorporated with these components is the Smarter Lunchrooms program.
Team Members
- Multnomah: Maureen Hosty (4-H)
- Washington: Maureen Quinn (FCH), Lynn Steele (FCH) and Jeanne Brandt (FCH)
- OSU Campus: Mary Arnold, Professor and Youth Development Specialist (4-H)
Highlighted Partners
- Portland Public Schools Nutrition Services (PPS NS).
- I Have a Dream Foundation
Project Files
- Ignite presentation (pdf)
- Project poster (pdf)
Maureen Hosty
Faculty page
Project Updates
4-H Faculty in the Portland Metro area are recruiting teens in Northeast Portland and East County Multnomah to serve as teen leaders for the Region 11 Healthy Community Outreach Project. Twenty Five teens participated in a September Leadership training at the 4-H Center in Salem. Teens will be trained to work with younger youth, team building, teaching strategies, nutrition lessons and more.
4-H Faculty are also working with Metro Master Gardeners to develop a 10-lesson Vegetable Garden program for youth from low-income families who live in public housing projects. These lessons will be taught to the high school teen leaders who in turn will teach elementary age youth how to grown vegetables with their families using container gardens, small garden plots and nearby community gardens.
Moore Family Center Outreach Activities
- Develop whole grain foods and school gardening lessons for youth and adults
- Team with Masters Gardeners to develop a 10-lesson vegetable garden program for youth from low-income public housing projects
- Portland area teens practiced grinding their own wheat berries and making whole grain pancakes “from scratch”
- Trained Teens as Teachers to share whole grain nutrition education using the Power of 3 – “Get Healthy with Whole Grains” curricula
- Share whole grain food demonstrations in May at the Multnomah County Fair
- May 2015, Rock The Block Community Fair will host over 2,500 families attending the fair to experience grain grinding and whole grain tastings