About the ASPIRE Center


ASPIRE Children’s Environmental Health Center

The ASPIRE Center is proud to be one of six centers in the United States funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to develop strategies to translate key children’s environmental health research findings to relevant stakeholders.

NIEHS Funding Statement


ASPIRE to accelerate the adoption of evidence-informed interventions that reduce harmful environmental exposures where children live, play, and go to school.


Support interdisciplinary collaborations that create and promote evidence-informed children’s environmental health practice, programming, and policies using implementation science methodology that will accelerate equitable and long-lasting improvements in children’s health.

Primary strategy

Build on the unique strengths of our state to develop and evaluate evidence-based interventions for children’s environmental health research translation. Our aim includes building partnerships with OSU Extension, Oregon Health Authority, early childhood educators, and Coordinating Care Organizations (CCOs).