Rachel Dodge

phgsa OG image
Benny T. Beaver

Rachel Dodge

Langlois, OR
phgsa academic program
Online MPH Public Health Practice
ONID email

Hobbies, interests, etc

Cooking, hiking, reading.

Why did you choose OSU for your Public Health graduate degree?

Currently an AMP Student.

What is your favorite course you have taken so far?

Food and World History.

Most memorable experience in the program?

Having professor Hoxmeier ask to use my paper as an example for other classes. Made me sure I am on the right track.

What advice would you give someone thinking about getting a graduate degree in Public Health?

Research what you really want to do and make sure a grad degree will help you.

If you were to recommend the MPH to a close friend, what would you say?

If they are passionate about Public Health they should realize their dreams!

Is there anything else that you would like to comment on or say about the OSU Public Health graduate programs?

I am very nervous and grateful to make connections.