MAPE Program Admissions
Master of Adapted Physical Education
The MAPE program is not admitting anyone for summer/fall 2025.
If you would like to be notified when applications open for the 2026-2027 academic year, fill out this OSU Graduate School form.
Be sure to select "summer 2026" as your entry term.
Admissions timeline
Priority deadline
Final Deadline
Anyone with a bachelor’s degree who meets the prerequisites listed below is eligible to apply for admission to the professional MAPE degree program.
Students in the final year of their bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply prior to graduation with formal admittance to the program dependent on the successful completion of the bachelor’s degree.
Application steps overview
The following is an overview. More details of each step are lower on this page.
1. Apply through OSU application
Apply by deadline indicated by program of interest
2. Complete and submit application
OSU will reach out for any missing documents
3. Application marked as "complete"
Faculty takes 6-8 weeks to review application once it is marked as "complete"
4. Admission Decision
Admission decision is sent to applicants after faculty review.
Make sure your application is complete before submitting. Ensure that you have uploaded your transcripts, statement of purpose, and 3 references!
Step one: Satisfy admission requirements
Academic qualifications
- Baccalaureate degree from an accredited university prior to beginning the program
- Satisfactory completion (C- or better) of prerequisite courses in physical education to represent basic content knowledge.
- Satisfactory completion (C- or better) of the following courses and/or equivalent:
- PSY 350 Lifespan Human Development
- ED 253 Learning Across the Lifespan
- ED 216 Purpose, Structure and Function of Education in a Democracy
- ED 219 Multicultural Issues in Education
- Official transcripts from each college/university attended, including Oregon State if applicable
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 from the undergraduate degree
Requirements for international admission
International students must also submit TOEFL or IELTS scores along with their application. Please see additional details regarding international admission requirements at OSU Graduate Admissions for International Students.
The GRE is not required
We join many other programs at Oregon State and other peer institutions across the country who have eliminated this structural barrier to promote a more equitable, diverse and inclusive student body.
Step two: Submit your application
You are encouraged to submit your application by the priority deadline because there are a limited number of spots available in each cohort.
Required materials
Apply through Oregon State University's Admissions Application.
- Résumé: Include education, practicum or teaching experiences, work with diverse populations, other work experience with children and youth, honors, activities and interests.
- Professional goal statement: Describe your interests and motivation for applying to the program.
- Three letters of recommendation:
- One must come from a physical educator who has observed you in a formal school setting, attesting to your competence in working with school-age children/youth.
- The second letter is from a current or former professor who can attest to your academic ability to do graduate work.
- The third letter may fit either of the first two categories.
Supplemental required materials
All supplemental materials should be sent directly to Heidi Wegis.
- Form B: Subject Matter Competency List (doc)
- TSPC Character Question Form (docx). Required by the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission.
- Documentation of work
- Minimum of 50 hours of work, volunteering and/or observation under a licensed physical educator. 25 of those hours must come from an elementary physical education setting, and another 25 from a secondary setting (middle or high school). Documentation of hours must be verifiable.
- A PDF of your passing score on the ORELA Physical Education Exam, if completed by application deadline. If provisionally admitted, this passing score is required by September 1 of your program year.
Application review process
A review board consisting of the MAPE program director, MAPE program faculty and preceptors will evaluate each application. Formal notification of admission to the MAPE program will be made by the program director via email.
The OSU Graduate School will also notify each student of their admission to the Graduate School.
In addition, the College of Health Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions will contact each applicant regarding the process of admissions and the application status throughout the progression.
Applicants who are not admitted to the program will receive notification of this decision. Students may be wait-listed, and if a vacancy should become available prior to commencement of the program in the summer, these students will be informed of the opportunity to join the program.