Exercise physiology undergraduate minor

Exercise physiology

Undergraduate minor

Develop a deeper understanding of the motivational, psychosocial and lifespan factors affecting human behavior within the context of sport and physical activity settings.

Corvallis Campus


The exercise physiology minor is an excellent addition if you’re interested in incorporating fitness/wellness into you major, or if you love to exercise and be active and just want to understand more about how the body responds.

You’ll develop a deeper understanding of the motivational, psychosocial and lifespan factors affecting human behavior within the context of sport and physical activity settings. 

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Eligibility requirements

All majors, other than kinesiology majors, are eligible for this minor.

  • Have a minimum OSU GPA of 2.0
  • All courses must be taken for a letter (A-F) grade
  • No more than two attempts at any course or pre-requisite
  • Have a minimum C- grade in any course or pre-requisite

Required courses

The following courses must be competed satisfactorily (see above) to fulfill the Exercise Physiology minor:

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Course Credit hours
KIN 321 Biomechanics of Human Movement
Pre-req: BI 231, 241 or equivalent; MTH 112 (or 251)
KIN 324 Exercise Physiology
Pre-req: BI 231-233 and 241-243 (or equivalent); CH 121-123
KIN 325 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription
Pre-req: KIN 324
KIN 406 Projects
Pre-req: approval by practicum/internship coordinator or research faculty
KIN 434 Applied Muscle Physiology
Pre-req: KIN 324
KIN 437 Physical Activity, Aging, and Chronic Disease
Pre-req: KIN 324, KIN 325
KIN 474 Exercise Physiology Lab Methods
Pre-req: KIN 324, KIN 325

Select one of the following groups

Group A
BI 231, BI 232, BI 233. Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology (3,3,3) and
BI 241, BI 242, BI 243. Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (2,2,2)


Group B
BI 331, BI 332, BI 333. Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology (3,3,3) and
BI 341, BI 342, BI 343. Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (2,2,2)


Total = 39 credits


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  Also see academic catalog page for this undergrad minor.