Student Dispute Resolution Policy
(Revised 02/27/2023)
The Student Dispute Resolution Policy for the College of Health (COH) provides students with a mechanism to address and resolve issues with members of the COH community including faculty, staff and administrators.
Timely communications are important to address the situation.
Students are encouraged to first follow the informal steps below to resolve the situation before initiating formal action; however, initiating formal action at any time in the process can be done by completing and submitting the Student Dispute Resolution Form (docx).
Informal steps to resolution of a dispute
1. If possible and appropriate, discuss the concern with the person directly involved in the issue. Proceed to the next step if the situation remains unresolved after this first step.
2. If possible and appropriate, make an appointment to talk (in person or remotely) with the supervisor *of the person directly involved in the dispute. If no resolution is found after this conversation, you may choose to initiate formal action as outlined below.
Contact Keri Fisher ([email protected], 541-737-3256), Executive Assistant to the Dean for assistance if you are unsure who serves as the direct supervisor.
Formal steps to resolution of a dispute
1. Complete and submit the Student Dispute Resolution Form (docx) following the instructions provided. The Office of Advocacy, which offers advice and guidance to students who have a dispute within the University, is a resource available in preparing the form.
If you are a graduate student, please understand and use grievance procedures set by the OSU Graduate School.
2. The case will be assigned to the appropriate administrator in the COH depending on the nature of the dispute.
3. You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the Student Dispute Resolution Form. The person assigned to process the case will be identified in the email and might ask to talk with you.
4. In determining a ruling, additional individuals and campus entities could be consulted as deemed appropriate.
5. The final ruling in the COH, and basis for the ruling, will be communicated to you by email. The email will also include contact information for the appropriate university office in the event you are dissatisfied with the ruling and would like to have your case reviewed outside the college.