Podiatry FAQ

Podiatry FAQ

Pre-health professions

Information and FAQs for Oregon State University students interested in becoming a Podiatrist

If you are looking for a rewarding and challenging career in health care, you should consider becoming a podiatrist.

Podiatrists are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions of the foot, ankle, and lower leg. Podiatrists can help people with various foot problems, such as bunions, hammertoes, ingrown toenails, plantar fasciitis, and diabetic foot ulcers. Podiatrists can also perform surgeries, prescribe medications, and fit orthotics and prosthetics.

Becoming a podiatrist requires a lot of dedication and hard work, but it also offers many benefits. You can enjoy a high level of autonomy and flexibility in your work schedule and setting. You can choose to work in hospitals, clinics, private practices, or even in sports medicine or podiatric research. You can also earn a good income and have a positive impact on your patients' quality of life.

Podiatry is a growing and diverse field that needs more qualified professionals to meet the increasing demand for foot care.

If you are passionate about helping people and have an interest in anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, you should become a podiatrist.

What settings do podiatrists work in?

DPMs work in private practice or in clinic settings, whether specific to podiatric medicine or part of a group practice with other specialist and health care providers. They might work in hospitals or outpatient care centers.

What type of degree do you need to become a podiatrist?

Podiatrists must have a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) degree from an accredited college of podiatric medicine.

How competitive is podiatry school?

Admission to podiatric medicine programs requires at least three years of undergraduate education, including specific courses in laboratory sciences such as biology, chemistry and physics, as well as general coursework in subjects such as English. In practice, nearly all prospective podiatrists earn a bachelor’s degree before attending a college of podiatric medicine. Admission to DPM programs usually requires taking the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).

Do you need experience?

Understanding and knowledge of the field is imperative. Just like any medical profession, exposure to the field and a clear understanding of why podiatry, as opposed to other types of medicine, is right for you, needs to be clearly articulated.

How long does it take to complete a DPM degree?

Podiatrists must have a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) degree from an accredited college of podiatric medicine. A DPM degree program takes 4 years to complete. In 2017, there were 9 colleges of podiatric medicine accredited by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education. Courses for a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree are similar to those for other medical degrees. They include anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and pathology, among other subjects. During their last two years, podiatric medical students gain supervised experience by completing clinical rotations.

After earning a DPM, podiatrists must apply to and complete a 3-year podiatric medicine and surgery residency (PMSR) program. Residency programs take place in hospitals and provide both medical and surgical experience.

Podiatrists may complete additional training in specific fellowship areas, such as podiatric wound care or diabetic foot care, among others.

What is the average salary of a podiatrist?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for podiatrists was $145,840 in May 2021.

What is the projected job outlook for podiatrists?

Employment of podiatrists is projected to grow 9 percent from 2021 to 2031, faster than the average for all occupations.

As the U.S. population ages, the number of people expected to have mobility and foot-related problems will rise, and podiatrists will be needed to treat these conditions. For example, older patients who remain active may incur injuries through exercise, and require foot and ankle care from podiatrists.

Growing rates of chronic conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, also may limit mobility of those with these conditions, and lead to problems such as foot ulcers and poor circulation in the feet and lower extremities. More podiatrists will be needed to provide care for these patients.

Where can you get more information?