Coping with cravings?

Manage your nicotine cravings while in difficult situations

Oregon State University’s Corvallis campus is a 100% tobacco-free environment. As a student, faculty or staff member, or campus visitor you are not allowed to smoke, vape or use any tobacco products while on campus.

Please come prepared with your own nicotine-replacement therapies to help manage your cravings while on campus. These products include the nicotine patch, gum, lozenge, inhaler, and nasal spray as well as a number of prescription medications.

  The use of electronic cigarettes is NOT allowed on campus.

Oregon State students, faculty and staff may purchase nicotine-replacement therapy (NRT) products (patches, gum and lozenges) at the campus Pharmacy, Room 108, Plageman Student Health Center. OSU I.D. is required. The pharmacy will accept cash or check, or students may charge to their account.

Apart from nicotine-replacement therapy techniques, there are some things you can do to help cope with your cravings while on campus. Nicotine cravings only last about 3 minutes, so one of the most important things you can do is delay. When a craving hits, find something to distract you until the feeling passes. Go for a walk, drink water, or have a healthy snack with you to munch on. For more tips on how to manage your nicotine cravings while in difficult situations, visit the American Cancer Society.

Coping with nicotine cravings when you are trying to quit tobacco is a difficult process. Although the urges can be intense, they are typically short-lived and will pass within a few minutes. The Mayo Clinic offers 10 ways to help you resist the urge to smoke or use tobacco when a craving strikes, no matter where you are in your day.

Students, Faculty and Staff

The Oregon State University community is here to help you be successful. If you need help to quit tobacco, contact the Student Health Services Tobacco Cessation Program at 541-737-WELL (541-737-9355). Student Health Services offers one-on-one tobacco cessation services to students, faculty and staff who are thinking about or have decided to quit using tobacco. Services for students are FREE and include a visit with a Tobacco Cessation Coach, free nicotine gum or patches, and additional resources to help you quit.

If you are faculty or staff and are covered by OSU’s PEBB, you also have access to a complete support program to help you quit. Visit the PEBB website for more information.

Campus Visitors

If you are ready to quit tobacco, or would just like to talk with someone about how to manage your cravings while in a smoke-free environment, contact the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669). You may be eligible for free nicotine patches or gum.