CATALYST Completion Requirements

Completion Requirements

CATALYST Mentorship Program

Students will receive either one (1) credit of academic project credit (H206 or KIN206) each term or will enroll as a non-credit participant (HHS 002) for a transcript-visible leadership experience.

Once accepted to the program, a department override will be provided to students to allow for registration into the credit or non-credit course option.

Students are expected to meet requirements of program participation regardless of enrollment as a credit-based or non-credit based participant.

There will be separate learning goals and expectations each term.

Review the program handbook for details and requirements for each term.

In addition to completion of H206/KIN206 or HHS 002, a CATALYST Certificate of Completion will be presented upon satisfaction of the following requirements:

  • Complete weekly program learning activities in CATALYST Canvas site (2-3 hours per week).
  • Fulfill the obligation to initiate, schedule and attend a mentorship meeting for approximately one hour once per month for a total of eight meetings.
  • Create an ePortfolio over the course of the program that highlights your leadership philosophy, skills, experiences and goals.
  • Engage in the CATALYST program in a professional and ethical manner.
  • Upload a signed letter from one’s mentor that verifies participation.
  • Complete a final assessment of the program.

Successful candidates will receive a numbered CATALYST Certificate of Completion (a unique number will be assigned to each recipient). Moreover, students will be able to reference the CATALYST Certificate of Completion on their resumes and within their completed ePortfolio