Statistical Expertise and Consulting
Segerstrom Lab
"The most satisfactory arrangement occurs when the person who understands the scientific issues and the person with the statistical expertise is the same person"
- Anonymous*
I have a concentration in statistics as part of my PhD, as well as an MPH in biostatistics. I have focused most of my training on the analysis of complex, longitudinal, observational data. I was the statistical consulting editor for International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, consult with colleagues on data analysis questions, and have had data analysis roles on funded research projects (including my own.) Selected training and analysis examples are detailed below.
Multilevel Modeling and Longitudinal Data Analysis
- APA Advanced Training Institute: Longitudinal Methods, Measurement, and Models
- University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana: EDPS/PSYCH/STAT 587 Multilevel Models
- University of Kentucky: BST 762 Longitudinal Data Analysis
- University of Kentucky: BST 761 Time to Event Analysis
Multivariate Analysis
- UCLA: PSYCH 253 Factor Analysis
- University of Kentucky: STA 677 Applied Multivariate Analysis
- University of Kentucky: CPH 535 Databases and SAS Programming
- University of Kentucky: STA 651 Advanced Programming in R
- StatCamp: SEM in MPlus
- StatCamp: Meta-Analysis in R
- StatCamp: R for Data Science
Analysis examples
Multilevel, Longitudinal Models
Segerstrom, S.C. (2014). Affect and self-rated health: A dynamic approach with older adults. Health Psychology, 33, 720-728. (Longitudinal MLM in PROC MIXED.)
Segerstrom, S.C., Eisenlohr-Moul, T.A., Evans, D.R., & Ram, N. (2015). Repetitive thought dimensions, psychological well-being and perceived growth in older adults: A multilevel, prospective study. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 28, 287-302. (Multivariate, longitudinal MLM in PROC MIXED.)
Segerstrom, S.C., Geiger, P.J., Combs, H.L., & Boggero, I.A. (2016). Time perspective and social preference in older and younger adults: Effects of self-regulatory fatigue. Psychology and Aging, 31, 594-604. (MLM as applied to experimental data in PROC MIXED.)
Segerstrom, S.C., Combs, H.L., Winning, A., Boehm, J.K., & Kubzansky, L.D. (2016). The happy survivor? Effects of differential mortality on life satisfaction in older age. Psychology and Aging, 31, 340-345. (Statistical approaches to missing longitudinal data.)
Segerstrom, S.C., Kasarskis, E., Fardo, D., & Westgate, P.G. (2019). Socioemotional selectivity and psychological health in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients and caregivers: A longitudinal, dyadic analysis. Psychology & Health, 34, 1179-1195. (Longitudinal, dyadic MLM in PROC MIXED.)
Segerstrom, S.C., Reed, R.G., Presnell, S.R., Al-Attar, A., & Lutz, C.T. (2023). Resources and lymphocyte terminal maturity among older adults. Health Psychology, 42(1), 46–52. (Longitudinal MLM in lmer [R].)
Multivariate Analysis
Segerstrom, S.C., Stanton, A.L., Alden, L.E., & Shortridge, B.E. (2003). A multidimensional structure for repetitive thought: What’s on your mind, and how, and how much? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 909-921. (Factor analysis, MDS)
Segerstrom, S.C., Roach, A.R., Evans, D.R., Schipper, L.J., & Darville, A.K. (2010). The structure and health correlates of trait repetitive thought in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 25, 505-515. (MDS)
Measurement and Methodology
Out, D., Granger, D.A., Sephton, S.E., & Segerstrom, S.C. (2013). Disentangling sources of individual differences in diurnal salivary a-amylase: Reliability, stability, and sensitivity to context. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38, 367-375. (Generalizability analysis.)
Segerstrom, S.C., Boggero, I.A., Smith, G.T., & Sephton, S.E. (2014). Variability and reliability of diurnal cortisol in younger and older adults: Implications for design decisions. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 49, 299-309. (Generalizability analysis.)
Segerstrom, S.C., Sephton, S.E., & Westgate, P.G. (2017). Intraindividual variability in cortisol: Approaches, illustrations, and recommendations. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 78, 114-124. (Statistical approaches to intraindividual variability.)
Segerstrom, S.C. (2020). Physiometrics in salivary bioscience. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 27, 262-266.
* From a faculty candidate's letter of recommendation.