DAHLiA Study

DAHLiA Study

Segerstrom Lab

Understanding how different kinds of daily activity affect well-being and health - especially neuroimmune health

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The DAHLiA Study focuses on Daily Activity and Health in the Lives of Adults.

The goal of the DAHLiA I study was to understand how different kinds of daily activity affect well-being and health - especially neuroimmune health - among midlife women.

The goal of the DAHLiA II study is to ask these same questions among men and women with chronic pain.

If you have been recruited for the DAHLiA II study, you can see the informed consent (pdf), and you can access a hard copy of the daily diary (pdf). You can put your responses directly in the pdf and email it back to the project staff, print it out and mail it back, or print it out, scan it, and email it back to the project staff.

We are particularly interested in whether some kinds of activity are healthier for people with limitations such as physical pain. The DAHLiA Study is led by Dr. Suzanne Segerstrom, a health psychologist at University of Kentucky, and Dr. Leslie Crofford, a rheumatologist at Vanderbilt University.

We are not recruiting new members of the DAHLiA I study at this time. Our current activities include analyzing the tens of thousands of saliva samples provided by DAHLiA Women and doing statistical analysis of the data. Our first papers from DAHLiA I have been published (see below), and we have other papers in the works.

View the DAHLiA I study informed consent form (pdf).

View an up to date list of publications from DAHLiA.


Email us

Dr. Segerstrom, Principal Investigator: [email protected]

Project Manager: [email protected]

Call us

Lab phone: 859-257-2207

Send us mail

125 Kastle Hall, Lexington, KY 40506-0044 Attn: Dr. Segerstrom