Computer-Human Interaction Research
Occupational Ergonomics and Biomechanics Laboratory

Repetitive movements, static and awkward postures during computer-human interactions are known risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders. As newer computer interfaces such touchscreen, virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) have been introduced and become more prevalent, the computer-human interaction patterns are now different from those seen in old days with conventional computer input devices. By evaluating various biomechanical exposures and usability, we explore opportunities to optimize and/or improve the computer-human interaction with hope that we can reduce computer-related musculoskeletal disorders. Past and current research has been funded by NIOSH, HP, Steelcase, and OERC.
Recent and On-going Research Projects
- "Evaluating Biomechanical Exposures and Usability on Ultra-low Travel Keyboards" to determine whether ultra-low travel keyboards will alter computer-related musculoskeletal injury risks and performance measures as compared to conventional computer keyboards.
- Sponsor: OERC (Project budget: $25,000)
- PI: Jay Kim
"Evaluation of Biomechanical Exposures in the Neck and Upper Extremities During Augmented Reality Interactions" to provide industry and users design recommendations and hand gesture usage guidelines.
- Sponsor: OERC (Project budget: $25,000)
- PI: Jay Kim and Jaejin Hwang
- "Physical and Cognitive Impact of Virtual and Augmented Reality Interactions" to objectively quantify and compare biomechanical stress in neck and shoulder and cognitive brain function (executive function and working memory).
- Sponsor: OERC (Project budget: $25,000)
- PI: Jay Kim
Relevant publications
Kia K, Hwang J, Kim I, Ishak H, Kim JH. 2021 The effects of target size and error rate on the cognitive demand and stress during augmented reality interactions. Applied Ergonomics. vol. 97, 103502.
Evaluation of the biomechanical stress in the neck and shoulders during augmented reality interactions. Applied Ergonomics. vol. 88, 103175.
. 2020“The effects of target location on musculoskeletal load, task performance, and subjective discomfort during virtual reality interactions.”, Appl Ergon, vol. 84, 103010.
Kia K, Sisley J, Johnson PW, Kim JH. 2019. Differences in typing forces, muscle activity, wrist posture, typing performance, and self-reported comfort among conventional and ultra-low travel keyboards. Applied Ergonomics, vol. 74, pp. 10-16.
Armrests and back support reduced biomechanical loading in the neck and upper extremities during mobile phone use, Applied Ergonomics, vol. 73, pp. 48 - 54. . 2018.
Kim JH, Aulck L, Bartha MC, Harper CA, Johnson PW. 2014. Differences in typing forces, muscle activity, comfort, and typing performance among virtual, notebook, and desktop keyboards. Applied ergonomics. 45(6):1406-13.
Kim JH, Johnson PW. 2014. Fatigue development in the finger flexor muscle differs between keyboard and mouse use. European journal of applied physiology. 114(12):2469-82.
Kim JH, Aulck L, Thamsuwan O, Bartha MC, Johnson PW. 2014. The Effect of Key Size of Touch Screen Virtual Keyboards on Productivity, Usability, and Typing Biomechanics. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 56(7):1235-1248.