Interview and measurement
Evaluating fishermen-led safety designs in the Dungeness Crab Fleet
We would like to invite you to participate in an interview being conducted by Oregon State University. You are being recruited because of you fish for Dungeness crab. We have a research project to engage crab fishermen to prevent non-fatal injuries.
The project is titled Evaluating fishermen-led safety designs in the Dungeness Crab Fleet and is led by Drs. Jay Kim and Laurel Kincl.
We are interviewing crab fishermen in Washington, Oregon and California about the deck of commercial fishing vessels and handling of crab pots. Since we are interested in body postures, we want to get some of your measurements.
Your participation is voluntary. Your name or vessel will not be identified specifically with your interview or measurements.
We expect the interview will take no more than 15 minutes. We will be on the docks and in the gear yards over the next few weeks in order to interview you in person.
You must be at least 18 years of age and work with the Dungeness crab fleet to participate.
To get more information about participating in this research project, please contact Amelia Vaughan at [email protected].
If you have any questions about the research project, please contact Jay Kim, PhD ([email protected]; 541-737-2166) or Laurel Kincl, PhD, ([email protected]; 541-737-1445).