

Disability and Mobility Do-it-Yourself Co-Op

Go Baby Go is a community-based outreach program that works with families, clinicians and industry to provide pediatric equipment to children with disabilities for movement, mobility and socialization.

The primary mission of GBG is to provide modified ride-on cars to children with disabilities to use as a powered mobility device for fun, function, and exploration.

Many children with disabilities are unable to be independently mobile, or require expensive, awkward, and potentially socially stigmatizing equipment in order to move and play with family and friends. Left stationary or heavily reliant on others for mobility, these children have reduced opportunities for social interaction and engagement.

Thirty years of research has consistently demonstrated the cognitive, motor, language, and social benefits to children with motor disabilities when provided access to a powered mobility device during early childhood (6 months to three years old).

With no commercially available device, such as motorized wheelchairs, for this population, the vehicles need to be built. Go Baby Go provides modified ride-on cars to fulfill this gap in technology.

This project was founded by Cole Galloway, PT, PhD at the University of Delaware. Dr. Logan completed a two-year post-doctoral fellowship under the direction of Dr. Galloway from 2012-2014.

Donate now to support Go Baby Go

Checks can be made payable to “OSU Foundation” and designated to the Social Mobility Lab in the memo line (this is very important so that the funds can be deposited in the correct account. Checks can be sent to: OSU Foundation, 850 35th St., Corvallis, OR 97333.

If you prefer to donate online, visit OSU’s secure online giving site (see below). Select Option 1 - “I’m Making a Gift.” Then, make sure to type “Social Mobility Lab” in the “Area you’d like to support.” This will make sure that the funds come to the Go Baby Go Program.

Interested in hosting a Go Baby Go workshop?

Download the Go Baby Go workshop template (doc).