Valerie Striplin

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Benny T. Beaver

Valerie Striplin

Vancouver, WA
phgsa academic program
Online MPH Public Health Practice
ONID email

Hobbies, interests, etc

Gardening, reading, volunteering, being in nature.

Why did you choose OSU for your Public Health graduate degree?

I started my journey with OSU in 2000, fresh out of high school and dealing with some serious family issues I wans't able to complete my degree program. It has been 23 years since I was an undergrad first moving onto campus and I am so glad to be working on my masters at such a wonderful school. While I am not able to be on campus daily, and am considered a campus student, I am so grateful for the opportunities the people and school has afforded me, even when they didn't know it!

What is your favorite course you have taken so far?

So far (week 1) my favorite course seems like it might be public health impact.

Most memorable experience in the program?

So far, the onboarding! Being a previous student who left under not-so-great academic circumstances many years ago it has been an adventure starting this program; the people I have worked with have been amazing and so helpful to guide me and get me pointed in the right direction.

What advice would you give someone thinking about getting a graduate degree in Public Health?

Absolutely yes! I tell people who ask me that almost everything we do has a public health connection. It is incredible to see how we as humans are so interconnected and what our impact can be on our communities and the world when we realize this and work together.

If you were to recommend the MPH to a close friend, what would you say?

If you are at all interested in people, systems, and advocacy, an MPH is such a great place to start. There are so many facets to this program, and we need people who are passionate about community.

Is there anything else that you would like to comment on or say about the OSU Public Health graduate programs?

I am so grateful to be back at OSU and doing this program. Everyone has been so welcoming and helpful, and I am excited to see where this program and the connections I have made will take me!