Family Policy Group
Family Policy Group
Hallie E. Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families
We are a network of faculty and students who seek to advance the study of family policy at Oregon State University.
Research interests
The Family Policy Group conducts research on policy analysis (i.e., impacts of policies) and policy processes related to the following:
- Child care
- Family inequalities
- Family poverty and the safety net
- Family processes, relationships, and family stress and mental health
- Parent education and parenting practices
- Work-family fit (i.e., integrating work and caregiving roles)
The goals of the Family Policy Group include:
- Disseminates and translates family policy research (e.g., policy brief, website, conference presentations, papers)
- Systematically organizes family policies in Oregon counties and Oregon in comparison to other states
- Builds capacity of graduate students to conduct family policy research
- Generates revenue to support future family policy research and training (e.g., grant proposal, Family Policy graduate certificate, summer institute)
Lutz Family Policy Fellowship
With generous philanthropic support from Cheryl J. Lutz and the Youth Mental Health and Parenting Family Life Fund at the Hallie Ford Center, the Family Policy Group hosts the Lutz Family Policy Fellowship.
The fellow receives partial GRA support and supervision from Family Policy Group faculty member(s).
See a list of Lutz Family Policy Fellows and the work this fellowship has helped make possible.